--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Stanley" <j_alexander_stan...@...> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <noozguru@> wrote:
> > 
> > I agree with Turq and others that he got a bad deal.
> After drugging a 13 year old girl, eating her out, and 
> fucking her vaginally, he shot his load into her asshole 
> and only served 42 days in jail before escaping to 30 
> years of freedom in France. Yeah, real bad deal.

Whenever I find myself shocked by the amount
of judgmentalism and indulgence in revenge
fantasies in long-term TMers, I just remember
that they are the products of a religion that
teaches that genocide is an appropriate punish-
ment for kidnapping a woman, and not even raping

Look up the Ramayana. THAT is the story of Rama
and Sita and Ravana. To punish Ravana for making
off with his wife, Rama ordered his *entire tribe*
(which would have been the entire population of
Sri Lanka at the time, numbering in the tens of
thousands) to be killed by Hanuman and his duti-
ful "dharma warriors." 

Great lesson to teach people. And on this forum
we see the fruits of teaching it.

In Hinduism, revenge and the desire for it is
actually presented as a Good Thing, the pursuit
of dharma. It's in the same ballpark as the
revenge fantasies we see in the Old Testament,
with whole populations and whole cities being
wiped out for one person's "sin." 

What barbarism. What indulgence in the lower 
emotions and in self importance. And these people 
have the chutzpah to think of themselves as "more 
evolved" than other religions or other seekers.

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