--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <vajradh...@...> wrote:
> Unfortunately for Rachel, the reason Islam is considered the "religion
of peace" is that once the whole world converts, they believe there will
be peace on earth, a chilling prospect, however you parse it...it is not
merely a religion, but a social movement and a system of mandatory
jurisprudence. In any predominantly Muslim nation, people of the book
are taxed till they convert. People who are not "of the book"...well
they're not as fortunate. Both followers of Hinduism and Buddhism would
be considered fit for slaughter, esp. the latter since they consider god
(Allah) worship antithetical to peace and complete awakening.
> I predict that eventually we'll see Islam no longer classed as a
religion by some western nations, but instead as a dangerous social and
political movement, with a quasi-religious core. This will allow a new,
more escalated crusade between ostensibly "Judaeo-Christian" countries
against the new infidels. It's very possible we will see nuclear
despoliation of Islamic holy sites, like Mecca, within our
grandchildren's lifespans.
> Ironically, the "stone" at Mecca is actually listed as a sacred shiva
lingam in the pre-Vedic Puranas...

It appears to me Vaj, that along with being an anti-Transcendental
Meditation pseudo-scholar, you also turn out to be a hateful xenophobic

Any huge group of ANY religious ideology will be found with its fanatic
and extremists  - that would include the Christians and the Jews.

The obvious fact that you seem to eagerly and blindly ignore to feed
your paranoid hateful bigotry is that the huge and vast and overwhelming
majority of the members of these groups are peacable, law-abiding human
beings with families who simply want to get along with their lives and
have conflicts with no one.

I would have thought that self-professed 'know-it-alls' like you would
be intelligent enough to not be sucked into the anti-Isalm hysteria by
the prevailing paid paranoia propagandists on the Fake Noise network
like many ignorant, insecure people were by Joe McCarthy during the
'communist panic' era.

It's easily lead irresponsible clowns like you who would foment more
hatred and divisiveness to perpetuate and escalate the conflicts.

Apart from that - considering the Ft Hood shooter - in this country
people are supposed to be afforded the rule of law - not mob lynching -
which some of the obsessed hateful bigots would love to carry out.

It hasn't been shown that he was part of any terrorist network.

In any case the whole event is under intense investigation by the DOJ,
the FBI and the Pentagon - and the actual facts will come out in court -
under the rule of law.

Apparently most Americans still DO have common sense - particularly
after having been suckered into supporting BushCo's extensive propaganda
fear-mongering and repeated lies about the great EVIL of Iraq - when it
turns out that Saddam and in particular, the Iraqi people HAD NOTHING AT

Poll: Most say Ft. Hood Shooting a "killing spree" not "act of

Fox Noise Poll: Mixed Views on Calling Ft. Hood Shooting Act of

  49 percent — shooting is most accurately described as "a killing

  44 percent — incident should be called an "act of terrorism."

  Among groups, young people under age 35 see it as a killing spree (61
  percent), but seniors 65 and over are more likely to describe it as
  terrorism (57 percent).

  Democrats are more likely to call it a killing spree (63 percent),
  while Republicans tend to call it terrorism (58 percent).

  Men divide evenly between the two descriptions, while a majority of
  women say the shooting was a killing spree (53 percent) rather than
  terrorism (41 percent)...

  Asked about Hasan's possible motive for the shooting, 45 percent think
  he is someone who just went nuts one day and opened fire, while 38
  percent think he is a Muslim extremist protesting U.S. foreign policy.

  One in 10 thinks it was some of both.


> On Nov 20, 2009, at 4:20 PM, do.rflex wrote:
> >
> >
> > Rachel Maddow delves into the right wing's apparent anti-Islam
sentiment, which is looking more & more like the new McCarthyism
> >
> > Watch: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21134540/vp/34052943#34052943

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