On Nov 21, 2009, at 9:16 AM, do.rflex wrote:

> You're a fraud, Vaj. You're a fraud as a scholar and a fraud when it comes to 
> defining Transcendental Meditation. 

Actually I'm NOT a scholar, nor was I ever. So get these false ideas out your 
head. You don't listen very well it seems!

TM defines itself, supposedly, through the use of science. Most of this has 
been disproven, or more commonly, ignored as it is largely fallacious 
repetition ('if you repeat a lie enough times, people will believe it). You can 
choose to believe it if you like. I will just continue to point out the obvious 
discrepancies, the shortcoming and the tragedies.

> Now you've also defined yourself as a hateful bigot who would steroetype 1.3 
> billion human beings as somehow "less then" the rest of humanity.

And, of course, I've never said this. You made this up.

> You're actually doing readers here a favor in discrediting your integrity and 
> authenticity by revealing yourself in this way.

Actually you are the one doing a great discredit, making shit up! You do not 
speak for me and you clearly don't have a clue about what i've said.

None of your comments seem to have anything to do with what I've said. You'd be 
better off addressing my ACTUAL comments than just trying to mind-read what 
you'd like to imagine I believe.

How to you think Rachel Maddow, a Jewish lesbian lady, would be treated in the 
home of Islam, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, if she were to get onto TV?

What do you think of the treatment of Hindus in Kashmir since majority Muslim 
rule there?

Answer topics I've raised, not your strawmen and your tilting at windmills!

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