--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "jpgillam" <jpgil...@...> wrote:
> > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity wrote:
> > > > > > May I ask, how did you happen to disengage?  
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > I sometimes wonder how likely it is for a 
> > > > > > long term true believer to give it up and 
> > > > > > lose faith.  And whether it simply is a 
> > > > > > drifting away or a more sudden "aha" moment.
> In 2001 I lost my attachment to the TM 
> organization without dropping my beliefs 
> in the TM worldview. To me, identification 
> with the True Self - pure consciousness - 
> is vitally important to individual and 
> collective health. I still believe that 
> collective consciousness influences 
> individual thoughts and actions. I believe 
> the world is going through a phase transition 
> in the Domash-Hagelin sense of that term. To 
> me, the Science of Creative Intelligence is 
> a great explanation of how creation works.
> I still consider TM to be a super-nifty way 
> to transcend, although I no longer consider 
> it to be the only practical way.
> I realized I no longer felt a deep attachment 
> to the TM organization in January of 2001. I 
> realized it had been about a month since I 
> had yearned to return to the TM womb - a 
> yearning that had been fairly constant for 
> me up until that time. The switch just 
> happened. An ooga-booga consultant offered 
> an explanation for the change in attitude, 
> but it's too woo-woo to repeat.
> The shift in attitude was automatic and 
> easy, but it took a while to "integrate 
> it," as the saying goes. Discussions on 
> Fairfield Life played an integral role in 
> helping my intellect catch up with my heart 
> during much of 2002 and 2003. Lots of postings 
> of that era dealt with helping people question 
> teachings and find answers to dissonances.
> I'm a long way from re-certifying as a TM 
> teacher, but I like what the organization 
> is trying to do and look forward to its success.

I started meditating in April of 1973.  My disengagement happened by January 
1974.  Yet I still went to TTC, MIU, and 6-month course and got what I could 
out of those experiences (a lot of great things) and rejected the bad stuff.

And I still do TM and feel pretty much as you do as you describe above.

I am always perplexed, however, by the personal histories of some "ex" TMers, 
like Rick Archer who end up having some sort of revelation or information that 
makes them rethink their relationship with the Movement.  I mean, aside from 
the technique and the instructions to use it, it was pretty obvious to me from 
the get-go that the people who ran the TMO were full of shit and the propaganda 
factor was significant.  How could anyone miss it?

How can you justify all that NLP stuff and talk of the CIA and flying and all 
that when it isn't supposed to be a religion or a philosophy or a change in 

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