--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "ShempMcGurk" <shempmcg...@...> wrote:

> I started meditating in April of 1973.  My disengagement happened by January 
> 1974.  Yet I still went to TTC, MIU, and 6-month course and got what I could 
> out of those experiences (a lot of great things) and rejected the bad stuff.
> And I still do TM and feel pretty much as you do as you describe above.
> I am always perplexed, however, by the personal histories of >some "ex" 
> TMers, like Rick Archer who end up having some sort of >revelation or 
> information that makes them rethink their relationship >with the Movement.  I 
> mean, aside from the technique and the >instructions to use it, it was pretty 
> obvious to me from the get-go >that the people who ran the TMO were full of 
> shit and the propaganda >factor was significant.  How could anyone miss it?

I think it's a case of people not having a set world-view or framework to 
measure things when they first join in and then
thinking that it might be true and going along with it because 
everybody else does. If you're the questioning type it won't be
long before you realise that it doesn't fit together so well.

Why Bevan and Hagelin feel they need to persist in it now MMY
is gone I don't know, too brainwashed for their own good perhaps?
Too much adjustment required to fit back into the real world?
Probably both reasons and many more.

> How can you justify all that NLP stuff and talk of the CIA and flying and all 
> that when it isn't supposed to be a religion or a philosophy or a change in 
> lifestyle?

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