--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "janosmelocco" <janosmelo...@...> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I wrote a fairly long opening post - but I realized I would post it only
> if there are some people who could answer me with honest deliberation.
> I will summarize the essence: my TM technique stopped working for me
> after about 20 years.
> I miss it sorely. Please don't take this lightly, I have meditated close
> to 30 years, been a TM sidha since 92 - most of my family learned TM or
> even sidhis. Some got AT as well, my mom went to see SCI several times
> and I translated stuff for the local TMO for years.
> I am a practicing Indian astrologer BTW.
> Let me recap what my question is about. Somehow, my basic meditation
> technique changed over the years, and since about 2001-2002 it has not
> been good at all - sometimes I felt it was downright unpleasant and
> destructive to my everyday life. While TM was the single greatest factor
> in stabilizing my life and making it colorful for over two decades,
> during the 21st century I gradually got to the point where I felt I
> should not do it at all â€" sidhi sutras are OK, other traditional
> (long japa) mantras are also good, but every time I did TM, someone in
> my family acted like literally possessed. I felt weird and nervous -
> usually I concluded it was just a wasting of my time.
> Now I am not talking about a few times or days or weeks - a little over
> eight years.
> A psychologist that did Hellinger family therapy with me and my wife
> told us around 2005 that as hard as it could be, for a few years we
> would have to contemplate skipping „deep meditation” and
> stick to other, more superficial styles of connection with the absolute
> â€" such as prayer, Zen or other awake techniques that keep you on
> the surface. Movement techniques of consciousness such as t’ai
> chi etc. The reason she gave was one we both principally agreed with
> â€" that we sort of opened doors by deep meditation that should not
> be left open all the time, and some forces entered that were very
> disturbing to our family unit.
> This psychologist that said this did not say this lightly, and she is
> not anti-meditation â€" she meditates herself in Buddhist style and
> her partner is a TM sidha, which she accepts with joy. She said this
> after several years of trying to screen off an unpleasant psychic effect
> that manifested itself in my second wife (who is a Hatha Yoga teacher
> BTW). I asked her many times if this was her opinion of my entire TM
> past â€" as I know she is quite critical of sects and cults. Turned
> out that it is not, she thought that â€" based on seeing my
> subconscious played out by others in the group â€" that it had been
> most helpful that I did TM through thick and thin for decades, and she
> also added that she hoped it would be soon when both of us could
> meditate again without any foreign forces intervening. As it was in 2006
> or 2007, she said it was not safe for a while â€" it was our
> decision.
> For a while I did not quite believe her and thought â€"
> „well, you may know a little about meditation, but you certainly
> don’t know TM from firsthand experience, and certainly it has
> been much easier for me so far since I had learned it at a fairly tender
> age.”
> I tested this out almost a hundred times, and up till recently she was
> proven right. After a few hundred times when either my wife would
> suddenly act like a VERY severe case of PMS without anybody giving her a
> cause â€" or if she felt OK, I would feel quite nervous and barely
> able to contain myself, I gave up.
> Mind you, this does not involve the sidhi sutras, nor simply resting
> â€" as a several-decades-long meditator, sometimes I just had to
> lie down or close my eyes and some flashes of awake TC would hit me
> â€" no problem. I could do sidhis and get no possession problems.
> However, it is just not the same feeling any more.
> I would also get TC experiences and “unstressing” while
> simply listening to music or just resting if I was tired. (Come to think
> of it, I have been dissatisfied with MMY’s explanations of it
> since I learned of them about seven years after my initiation.) It is
> just not the same since I do not do sitting meditation â€" just
> like when I learned of this type use of music, I realized that it was
> not the music itself â€" it was the fact that I had done TM before
> and then even listening to music was different.
> I will write more on my meditation backgound or answer questions if I
> see there is valuable reaction. I am not interested in anti-TM
> propaganda, neither the usual stuff you would get at the local center
> from a starry eyed young teacher. Nor have I more stress in my life than
> in about 1985.
And we all know that you secretly got married , have 2 kids and live in Paris. 
Nice you can get it all off your chest your Naderness.

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