> > > Importance of practising siddhis? 
> > >
> > I liked that Theosophy book "The Chakras" by 
> > Leadbeater
> > 
> You do know Leadbeater had a thing for boys, 
> right?
Oh yeah! Like this is going to help us understand 
the mechanics of consciousness and the importance 
of practicing the siddhis, Vaj. 

May I remind you that your guru, Swami Rama, was 
convicted of raping a student; your guru, Trungpa, 
died from riotous living; your guru the Shank of 
Kanchi, is in jail accused of murder; and your 
guru, the Lama Lobsang Rampa, was a plumber from 
Leeds, England. So, what does that tell us?

Is there a better way?

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