--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Stanley" <j_alexander_stanley@...> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "RoryGoff" <rorygoff@> wrote:
> >
> > 
> > 
> > > > I don't know; it would seem to me that virtually all of us,
> > > > "Awake" or not, could comprehend this if they have the
> > > > ability to notice how their own bodymind feels to them when
> > > > they hold a given thought. This stuff is making a great deal
> > > > of sense to many thousands of "ordinary" people on this
> > > > planet;
> Maybe you've been "Awake" too long to remember what it was like before that 
> shift, but it would seem to me that this stuff could easily make no sense at 
> all to those who haven't made that shift. I totally understand your 
> perspective here, but it wasn't too long ago that I would have completely 
> dismissed it as incomprehensible nonsense. 

* * * All right! Guess so, Alex. Many thanks for the feedback; I appreciate it. 

OK, everybody, I give up! Having already flooded the web with 28 posts, I am 
going to try to sum up in this one. First, my apologies, Judy, in coming off as 
hostile and angry to you. I certainly am no stranger to those lovely emotions, 
and doubtless they are in here somewhere. FWIW I do know you're not consciously 
lying. It was never my intent to imply that you were; I am sorry if that was 
the way it came across, and for my evidently most unskillful means at 
attempting to clarify what I mean by "the big Lie." 

Blu, doing this Work is *not* a substitute for external action, nor a 
solipsistic attempt to disconnect from what is going on "out there," nor a 
means to squelch any appropriate activity, "la la la." We use it simply to heal 
our internal suffering, our resistance to what IS. (And, if we like, what we 
strongly wish were different in the next moment, but isn't.) If we do this, we 
may find that a great deal of the suffering we think is "out there" is actually 
"in here" and hence almost immediately healable. "Right action" to alleviate 
suffering "out there" continues to flow whether we are in pain "in here" or 
not. There seems to be this understanding that we must suffer in order to act, 
and the corollary that if we are acting, there must be a core of 
dissatisfaction or suffering there. I don't find that to be the case, 
personally. We may also act from Wholeness, for self-expression and for the 
sheer delight of it.

Also, Brahman is not merely Nothing, nirguna; it -- Us -- is also Everything, 
saguna. That's why I often call it emptiful. Regardless of our Understanding or 
degree or Awakeness, there is always more to understand and integrate! Or so I 
find, anyhow :-)


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