--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "wgm4u" <wgm4u@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > As I see it, what happens
> > in the universe is the sum total of all of the individual
> > actions made by all of the individual sentient beings in
> > it -- no "guidance" behind it, no "Plan" behind it, just
> > karma plus free will. I *get off* on the idea of karma
> > plus free will being the Operating System of the universe.
> So Turq-How did you get introduced to the idea of 'Karma', 
> was it MMY? 

Nope. I'd been reading about karma for years before
I ever met -- or heard of -- Maharishi.

> If so, don't you have something to be grateful for from 
> Maharishi? That knowledge alone may save you from much 
> suffering in life....

I have a few things I'm grateful to him for, and have
said them on this forum numerous times. None of them
were ever valuable enough to "save me from much 
suffering in this life."  :-)

> PS. BTW, isn't freewill and Karma a Plan?

Absolutely not. It is the complete opposite of a Plan.

> ...and don't the administration of the laws of Karma 
> require 'guidance'?

Not at all. In my view karma is pure physics -- every
action has an equal and opposite reaction -- "admin-
istered" on a purely physical level automatically as
a kind of Operating System for a universe that was
never created, and in fact is and always will be

Many people haven't really "thought through" karma.
Free will *has* to coexist with karma, or there would
be no possibility of ever changing. 

You do something in the past, and the reverberations
of that action affect you in the present. But they
don't *control* your present; they are merely an
influence on it. You could allow the samskaras from
the past to influence you, and just do the same old
same old again, but you don't have to. At any moment
you could "Just say no" and do something else. It's
the "something else" that allows for spiritual growth
and evolution and spiritual progress.

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