--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jstein@...> wrote:
> Just wanted to add one point to this:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" 
> > <curtisdeltablues@> wrote:
> <snip>
> > > I don't care if you don't speak out against a guy you
> > > consider an ally here.  And I hope you understand
> > > better why I feel the same way about getting in between
> > > you and Barry.
> > 
> > With a very few exceptions of people who don't pull a
> > lot of weight here, I don't make any such distinctions
> > about whom I speak out against when I think they're
> > being unfair. You obviously do. You consider Barry an
> > "ally," so you don't want to risk chastising him no
> > matter how despicable his behavior is.
> Barry's most recent Big Lies about me, as it happens,
> were contained in two posts *addressed to you*, in
> response to posts of yours. You didn't reply to either
> of his posts, but I strongly suspect you read them,
> because there was a lot of more general stuff in them
> as well.

I probably did but I tend to gloss over anything Judy related in his posts or 
Barry related in yours.  You guys just don't seem to get each other and don't 
bring out the best in each other.  Or maybe you do and I am missing some point 
that you enjoy interacting this way.  But I am not ever going to be convinced 
to move to some position that sees either of your as awful people because that 
is not my way of seeing you guys.  Barry has accepted that about me and does 
not make our friendship contingent on me converting to Judy-hater.  But you 
seem to have a real problem with maintaining these boundaries and that 
disappoints me.  

> So it isn't as if you were just virtuously not reading
> exchanges between him and me. These were posts *to you
> from your ally*, posts he clearly wanted you to read,
> telling you things about me that you knew were not true.

Anything the would require virtue would not be a good explanation for any of my 
behavior here.

> And even then you couldn't bring yourself to do the
> right thing and speak up. That's really a step beyond
> simply not "getting in between" me and Barry.>

That is way too judgmental for me to go with Judy.  You are not a reference 
point for what the "right thing" is for me.

> If Jim were to respond to one of my posts with what I
> knew to be lies about you, I wouldn't hesitate for a
> split-second to call him on them.

No you don't and I can't expect you to.  But you don't and haven't.

> Frankly, I wouldn't want to *have* an "ally" who was
> a liar.

You love this word too much.  I am sick of it.  

> Just for kicks, here's a list of the specific lies
> (i.e., deliberate untruths), which you knew were lies,
> in those two posts Barry addressed to you:
> --I'm a "TB."

I will be abbreviating point of view as POV to indicate where I think you are 
taking Barry's opinion and claiming it is a lie.  This may be the reason you 
overuse the word so much here.  I hope you will consider this because I am 
being completely serious.

I don't see you this way now but it took me years.  The reason is that there is 
a decent case to be made for it.  But there is a better one for me that doesn't 
see you that way and I find it is a more useful perspective in discussions with 
you to understand the nuances of your beliefs or working hypothesis.  So is 
Barry's POV on you, it is not a lie.

> --I told you I was in the room with MMY when he was
> lecturing.

I would have to read the context, this sound untrue.  I can't imagine you 
saying this.

> --I have consistently "attempted to imply" that I've
> sat in an audience with MMY.

POV I don't share it but as I pointed out when it came up, with an uncharitable 
interpretation what you wrote could have been taken that way.  He did, I didn't.
> --I'm "outrageously sensitive" about never having
> spent time with MMY.

POV  His opinion and evaluation on how you react to his writing.

> --I present myself as "the most knowledgeable about
> what MMY taught."

Come on Judy this is just an opinion and a putdown.

> --Barry got me to "post out" in a single day with
> one sentence.

Bravado and a tweak to you. 

> --My assertions that I don't lie are "laughable."


> --I've never displayed a sense of humor.

You don't get my humor, he doesn't get yours.

> There were other lies, including about his own behavior.

You've got lie colored glasses on Judy.  I don't see how that serves you except 
to wind you up.

> And it really won't do for you to claim you aren't sure
> any of the above are lies. But you swallowed them all
> with nary a peep.

We are going to have to agree to disagree about this.

> I'm sorry, but I think that really shows a profound
> lack of ethics on your part, a "sin of omission," as
> it were.

You are more judgmental and quick to assume the worst about me than I am 
comfortable with. 

> I'm hardly the only person he lies about, either. He
> causes a tremendous amount of dissension and anger 
> on FFL because of his lack of concern for truth. You
> know as well as I do that his criticisms of MMY and TM
> aren't what folks are primarily objecting to.
> He respects you, or says he does. If you'd speak up
> once in a while and let him know you don't approve of
> his behavior, you'd be doing a service to FFL and
> everyone on it, including him. Shutting your eyes to
> it makes you complicit.

Barry and I have many levels of communication that we enjoy.  Finding things to 
disapprove about each other is just not how we role. It works for us. 

> > Barry's a special case. "Unfair" doesn't begin to cover
> > it. He's at the Rush Limbaugh level of "unfair." Worse,
> > actually. No comparison with anything Jim has ever said.

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