--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Beth Cook <bethcook84@...> wrote:
> Thank you for your post.
> I've looked through some
> of the previous posts and
> it looks like a very lively
> forum:-).

That is one word for it!

> I'm a mother of 6 and I have
> been meditating for 4 months.
> My meditation leaves me very
> relaxed and happy. 

Let me stop you there.  You have 6 kids and can find time to meditate!  That is 
the most miraculous claim of the day.  Good for you.

> One problem I have is ending the
> meditation at 20 minutes. After
> meditating for a few minutes
> I seem to drift off somewhere
> and before I know it 90 minutes
> have gone by.
> My husband usually brings me
> round by turning on ESPN at
> full volume. He's angry I started
> meditating without his permission.
> I've asked my initiator and she
> said its not a big problem. She
> just told me to look at my watch more 
> often. This has not worked yet. Any ideas?

I would listen to your teacher on this.  If you get enough rest you wont zone 
out.  If you can drop out of your life for 90 minutes at a time you might want 
to try having a nap before you meditate.

> Also I'm trying to get my husband to
> start meditating but he is a devote Catholic
> and says TM is a form of Hinduism. I've told
> him that's nonsense but he's still not 
> convinced. Any thoughts, I know
> it would be very good for him.

That is kind of an eternal debate here so you can gather plenty of opinions on 
both sides.  I am a former TM teacher and in my experience convincing other 
people, especially spouses, to do anything is doomed from the start.  
Especially with the passive aggressive TV dynamic you are reporting.  If TM 
works for you, and your husband notices it, he will buy in on his own.  I 
suspect it is gunna have to be his idea. 

> ________________________________
> From: curtisdeltablues <curtisdeltablues@...>
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Wednesday, August 3, 2011 1:26:21 PM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: I'm a new meditator
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Beth Cook <bethcook84@> wrote:
> >
> > My name is Beth, I'm from Canada.
> > I was just initiated into Transcendental Meditation
> > and I just joined Fairfield Life. I'm hoping to learn 
> > more about meditation but I'm concerned my 
> > questions have already been discussed. Should I look 
> > in the Fairfield Life archives or can I just post my questions?
> Fire away Beth. We repeat ourselves all the time so no problem there!
> I hope you know that this is not an official TM information site, so the 
> responses will not necessarily represent the TM party line. Official TMers 
> place a high value on meditators maintaining their innocence about their 
> practice. "Innocence" is not a high value virtue for most of the posters here.
> I hope that helps you orient to the place and welcome.
> >

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