Psst, Beth.  Over here.  At the risk of being goshe,  how much did  you

> --- In, Beth Cook bethcook84@ wrote:
> [...]
> > One problem I have is ending the
> > meditation at 20 minutes. After
> > meditating for a few minutes
> > I seem to drift off somewhere
> > and before I know it 90 minutes
> > have gone by.
> >
> From my experience, and according to my understanding of the TM
theory, that's a sign of pretty heavy duty stress being dealt with
during meditation. When I was living in a moldy house (I'm allergic to
mold), I would have that happen all the time. Ditto when I'm really
tired or sick.
> > My husband usually brings me
> > round by turning on ESPN at
> > full volume. He's angry I started
> > meditating without his permission.
> >
> I cant say much about permissions in your household. As a child of the
60's and 70's in teh USA< this sounds rather retro to me.
> > I've asked my initiator and she
> > said its not a big problem. She
> > just told me to look at my watch moreÂÂ
> > often. This has not worked yet. Any ideas?
> >
> You could ask him to *kindly* knock on your door 30 minutes after you
start meditating just in case you fall asleep.
> > Also I'm trying to get my husband to
> > start meditating but he is a devote Catholic
> > and says TM is a form of Hinduism. I've told
> > him that's nonsense but he's still notÂÂ
> > convinced. Any thoughts, I know
> > it would be very good for him.
> I guess you could let him watch the videos about the Roman Catholic
priest in South America who teaches TM to the homeless children. Its
hard to accuse him of being hindu, I think. Of course, some people
believe that yogic exercises are automatically hindu, so you may not
convince your husband of things. I know people who refuse to watch
native american rain dances because they see it as participating in a
pagan religion. Likewise with listening to sitar music since that is
"sacred music" according to hindu musicians and for them, it is an
religious act to perform, whether in public or private.
> Lawson

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