On 08/03/2011 04:03 PM, nablusoss1008 wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu<noozguru@...>  wrote:
>> The Fed is just another scam by the bankers to control the money
>> system.  That has always been obvious.  It's easy for them to pull the
>> wool over the public's eyes because the public is so ignorant of
>> economics and the schemes that the bankers have played down through the
>> centuries.  We shouldn't have bailed them out in 2008 and they'll soon
>> be asking for another bailout. Screw 'em!  Time for these vampires to
>> burn up!
> Don't worry about it, it has been taken care of by the collective 
> consciousness of the american people, nourished in the Domes of Fairfield, 
> IOWA and backed by the Masters of Wisdom.
> One of Their brothers put it this way;
> "Now that communism is gone, the next to go is capitalism"
> - Maharishi, 1989

Who says I'm worried about it?  Just pointing out some things.  Doncha 
just want to come over to the Dome and watch the fall of America, Nabby?

Or are you watching enough fall around you over there?

The fall of the US as compared to the fall of Russia:

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