--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price <bobpriced@...> wrote:
> BTW, I think, if volume of verbiage count for anything, 
> I deserve the award for the most ignored poster on FFL. 

Have you ever considered the possibility that
there's a reason for this? 

Try writing about something that doesn't sound
so much like an attempt to restart a soap opera 
that jumped the shark several seasons ago but 
that you're addicted to and don't want to see
go off the air and I, for one, might respond. 
Perpetuating the same old same old, not inter-
ested. No challenge in it.

Suggested topics and koans:

* Dexter and other lovable serial killers

* The best beer to serve at a bris

* If, as suggested in the recent film "In Time,"
money is really replaced by time, how do you 
decide things? Flip a minute?

* What is the sound of one obsessive being ignored?

* Will they someday invent bottled "True Attention" 
for attention vampires so they can come out of the

* If volume of verbiage counted for anything in terms
of how much attention you got here, would you write 
more, or less?

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