Nothing panicky about us, Cherry.:-)

--- In, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In, "seventhray1" <steve.sundur@> wrote:
> >
> > What I find unfortunate is that the rancor drives people away.  
> > I suppose Barry might say, "if you can't stand the heat......"  
> Actually, what Barry might say is, "If someone has
> told you in no uncertain terms that they don't find 
> either you or the things you say interesting, accept 
> that and walk away."
> It seems to me that most of the noise on this forum 
> is being made by people who can't do that. They react 
> to being dismissed as uninteresting by acting even 
> more needy and panicky -- and thus uninteresting -- 
> than ever. It's a vicious samskaric circle.
> Get over it. If you're that needy, find someone who 
> does think you're interesting enough to talk to and 
> talk with them. Not gonna happen with me.
> This comment is directed towards Robin, Jim, Ravi, 
> and Judy, and to no one else on this forum. Please
> catch a clue from it and stop acting like such 
> attention vampires, Ok?

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