--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray1" <steve.sundur@...> wrote:
> What I find unfortunate is that the rancor drives people away.  
> I suppose Barry might say, "if you can't stand the heat......"  

Actually, what Barry might say is, "If someone has
told you in no uncertain terms that they don't find 
either you or the things you say interesting, accept 
that and walk away."

It seems to me that most of the noise on this forum 
is being made by people who can't do that. They react 
to being dismissed as uninteresting by acting even 
more needy and panicky -- and thus uninteresting -- 
than ever. It's a vicious samskaric circle.

Get over it. If you're that needy, find someone who 
does think you're interesting enough to talk to and 
talk with them. Not gonna happen with me.

This comment is directed towards Robin, Jim, Ravi, 
and Judy, and to no one else on this forum. Please
catch a clue from it and stop acting like such 
attention vampires, Ok? 

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