Bob Price:
> Willy was upsetting you with those photos of Rama...
Barry himself has written the most embarassing Rama 
stories. There's something funny about almost every
guru or teacher.

But, I actually liked Fred Lenz - I love almost all 
gurus. I mean if you can't laugh at yourself and your 
guru, who can you laugh at?

After Trungpa died, we had a big ceremony just before 
he was about to be cremated. All the senior students 
gathered inside the enormous, orange-pillared big
Dharmadhatu shrine hall, with its blue, red and gold 

It was standing room only with the Trungpa disciples 
sitting in rows, upon the softy pillows, in practiced 
posture, evoking the mantras and the visualizations 
just like the lama had instructed. 

There were rows and rows of solemn meditators sitting 
with eyes half closed. Everything was in acordance 
with Tibetan tradition, down to the clicking of the 
prayer beads and the empty throne where a photograph 
of the late Rinpoche had been placed.

Up on the dais sat the Vajra Regent, appointed by the 
Trungpa Rinpoche, Osel Tendzin; and the visiting high 
lamas of the Tibetan Kagya sect; the monks and the 
VIPs and the laity. I got to sit down in front because 
I, among six others, had taken the Vajrayana vows and 
had been intitiated into Shambala training by the lama 

In the back of the temple a special cadre of advanced 
students sat in a circle grinding the bones of the 
Trungpa Tulku, once the spiritual leader of the Surmang 
group of monesteries in Tibet. We recited a hundred 
thousand dharanis, performed a thousand bows in order 
to  empowered the Rinpoche's bones. 

And to what avail?

Years later, I learned that both the Trungpa and his 
Vajra Regent were gay alcoholics who had built, out of 
money donated by hapless students, a vast beaucratic 
organization in the form of a co-dependent support 
group, i.e., both the Trungpa and the Vajra Regent 
literally drank and screwed themselves to death right 
in front of the whole organization! 

And they called it Tantra, blessed by none other than 
the great Kalu, himself a Tibetan philanderer. 

Go figure.

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