Golly Curtis,

You're slipping, the same rubber arrow, two days in a row (emotional punching 
bag), what are you getting *Bubbles* for Christmas: "Geraldine loves diamonds".


***Have to run, I have an appointment for the nails.

From: curtisdeltablues <curtisdeltabl...@yahoo.com>
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Thursday, December 8, 2011 6:54:37 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Curtis and Bubbles: Our Moral Compass (was...Ravi; 
the hypocrite slayer)

Let me get back to you after your meeting with Dickens' three ghosts Bob. 

But if I run into Santa at the mall, I'll mention your request for an emotional 
punching bag this Christmas. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price <bobpriced@...> wrote:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLb213lak5s
> Curtis,
> So nice (I hope you don't mind being called nice; I can't think of a *word* 
> that better captures your posting voice)
> to have you back posting on FFL, unless your post to RAVI was just a drive 
> by, we
> were completely adrift without the steadying hand of your moral compass; I do
> have one housekeeping item though, before we proceed; you and BUBBLES owe me
> $3.18; that said, I'll let it ride---I now have $3.18 that says yours, 
> Bubbles,
> and/or one of your ciphers, fingerprints, are all over the email that Rick
> received, complaining about Ravi's choice of *words*. 
> Do I have this right; you figure Ravi's colorful and entertaining 
> communications should be stopped, 
> at any cost, but anything Bubbles says is AOK in your book; is it me, or is 
> this a rerun? And it's
> completely all right, in your book, to mock people behind their backs, as long
> as we don't allow Ravi to do it to their faces----even when he was so 
> obviously
> provoked. If nothing else, you've proven what a number of us have suspected,
> for sometime now; that unlike Ravi, you're not cool---as in completely 
> un-cool.
> In fact, lets not pussy (OMG, does that mean what I think it means) foot
> around, you're actually a bit of a twerp, aren't you, and I doubt I'm the 
> first
> to say so; I certainty wouldn't call you a hypocrite, you don't need any help
> with that handle, and I know I have to be very careful with my choice of
> *words* around you; we know how some *words* set you off (we'd hate to have to
> post out again): "The Most Disgusting thing I ever read on FFL....".
> But I would be remiss if I didn't point out your shameless attempt at
> reconstruction by attempting to assassinate Ravi's character, while giving 
> your
> Bubbles a free pass. Anybody with a brain knows you've been gunning for Ravi 
> because
> he never bought into your class president shtick. And, of course, you've never
> forgiven him for not taking your religious worship of your *POV* very 
> seriously:
> My God, he called you a Buddhist, no less.  
> I used to get a good chuckle at how easy it was to get you, Bubbles, and your 
> ciphers, to line up single file, to
> avoid wasting ammo; I've now decided---watching the work of a real master like
> Ravi, I need to get over myself: A bright flash, a loud ka-boom, building's
> shake and stay standing (without so much as a broken window), and every
> hypocrite on FFL is sent to kingdom-come by the neutron bomb, formally know as
> Raja Ravi Yogi, the hunter-outster of the sociopathically dull---in all shapes
> and sizes.   
> I know you're the kind of guy that makes your mind up about *everything*, 
> before entering into a conversation
> about *anything*, so you must be wondering who the hell Bubbles is. Well, let
> me tell you how hard it's been trying to find just the right handle for your
> buddy---I've lost count of the number we've tried; that fit, but not 
> perfectly;
> till KB and the Vajette handed it to me as they continue "to do the same
> thing over and over and expect different results"; the break through came
> a couple of days ago when his KB-ness threatened to stop posting on FFL (as 
> if he
> had somewhere else to go) and we discovered that what both he and the Vajette
> seemed to be saying: 
> "I think it's very important to know when to stop". 
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpDgRzzTE-I&feature=related
> PS: Please let me know if you consider any of this bullying; I'm still 
> pondering that KOAN you shared with us that
> bullying was impossible on FFL, but, at the same time, I was obviously 
> bullying
> MZ, quite the paradox that one. BTW, how is your relationship with MZ going
> these days, your dialogues are missed.  The *nice* thing about the handle 
> *Bubbles* is it pretty much fits all
> the hypocrites Ravi outs on a regular basis; most of them without even aiming,
> the man is truly a wonder. And thank goodness, since binary makes granite 
> look mushy,
> your attempt to slander Ravi, and your response to Judy---pointing out your
> spelling mistake, and your "Most disgusting..." post to me will forever
> weld you to your *Bubbles*, and your behavior of choice (starts with an h and 
> ends with an y).
> PPS: Bubbles, be careful about twisting your neck into a pretzel pretending 
> you don't spend your life reading
> everything posted on FFL; the chiropractor was right, you're not exactly a 
> spring chicken. I hadn't realized how much 
> Willy was upsetting you with those photos of Rama, those Dutch people are 
> pretty tolerant, why don't you try
> telling the waitress what's upsetting you so much. 
> ________________________________
> From: turquoiseb <no_re...@yahoogroups.com>
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> Sent: Wednesday, December 7, 2011 3:08:28 AM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Hey Ravi
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" <curtisdeltablues@> 
> wrote:
> >
> > From a casual lurker perspective, I was tempted to weigh in 
> > for the Ravi Alex gay bash video. I felt the intention was 
> > off my scale of acceptable. Ravi may have used his abrasiveness 
> > to bash someone for some higher purpose known only to himself 
> > in the past,  but I sensed a shift toward using people as 
> > emotional punching bags in a way I do not appreciate.  
> Nice turn of phrase, Curtis. This "shift" is why 
> I have taken the approach of "tactical ignoring"
> with a few people here. 
> What I've noticed for some time is that there are
> some people on this forum who not only feel that
> they have the right to use the people whose ideas
> they don't like as punching bags, they actually
> seem to feel that their victims "owe it to them"
> to punch back.
> I owe them nothing. Nada. Zip. Bupkus. They can
> say anything about me they want, and chances are
> (for the 6 people on my "written off as bad bets"
> list) I'll never even see what they write. This seems
> to piss them off no end, because what they seem 
> to want is for me to take what they write -- and
> them -- seriously, and "get into it" with them,
> in some head-to-head argument that they can then
> imagine they "won." Not gonna happen. 
> For the record, among the six folks I've thus
> written off, some are for the reason I mentioned
> yesterday -- I think they're mentally ill. I just 
> don't interact with the mentally ill; I have 
> neither the training nor the inclination to do 
> so. The others are just boring, and thus of no 
> interest.
> From my point of view, based on the increase of
> Barry-bashing since I've adopted this stance,
> ignoring them angers them and gets under their
> skin more than anything else I could possibly do, 
> and that suits me just fine. :-) If they're so petty 
> that they feel they have to build their online lives 
> around "getting back at me" or "getting me," let 
> them live in that grudge mindset all they want. 
> I don't have to. As some smart church sign once said:
> > I believe in the freedom of using sexual material here in 
> > the form of celebrating that physical love between two 
> > consenting adults is one of the most beautiful, precious, 
> > wonderful, heart-healing, life-affirming, actual miracles...
> > 
> > ...that money can buy.
> Good line, original or not. :-)
> Thanks for dropping in. Hope you feel like doing 
> so again, hopefully on more interesting topics.
>  Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 


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