--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn <emilymae.reyn@...> wrote:
> From my years of experience, I am of the opinion that you/Barry 
> have made some critical and major errors in judgment and should 
> have preceded your diagnostic conclusions with a well-researched 
> "fatal flaw analysis," at the very least. 

Emily, a couple of points. First, Vaj and I are 
different people, not one person with two names 
separated by a forward slash. You are the second
person in two days to not be able to tell the 
difference between us, and that we're separate
people. Just sayin'. 

Second, in saying that I think RWC was suffering 
from hypomania and a host of other serious disorders 
back when he first declared his enlightenment and 
still is today, I was stating my OPINION. I was not 
trying to sell that opinion to you.

If you feel that someone spending several weeks and
writing literally tens of thousands of words, all
seemingly dashed off uncontrollably, as if in a fit
of mania, all trying to get one person to interact
with him so that RWC could tell him over and over
and over what's wrong with him -- if you feel this
is SANE behavior, I feel sorry for you, but that's
your choice. Go with it. 

I'm merely pointing out that to me it *doesn't* 
feel like SANE behavior. It feels like the opposite.
ALL of RWC's ramblings since he appeared on this
forum have struck me as being highly manic and as 
lacking coherence. Often he "goas off on" and gets
crazy behind things *that weren't even said to him*, 
such as that there was some incriminating photo of 
him in drag running around out there. That was pure 
imagination on his part, and in my opinion not 
healthy imagination. I think the guy's a total nutcase. 

Furthermore I think he's essentially the SAME nutcase
he was back in Fairfield, running the SAME number on
gullible people here that he ran on gullible people
there. Back when he was a crazy person pretending to 
be a spiritual teacher in Fairfield, RWC's "schtick" 
(according to several sources, not just Vaj) consisted 
of dragging people up on stage and then confronting 
them and yelling at them and telling them what was 
wrong with them and what demons were inhabiting them. 
Now look at what he was trying to do to Curtis. Do 
you see any difference? I do not.

If he sticks around, and you consider him SANE enough
to do so, I think you should have as many conversations 
with RWC as you see fit. Go for it. Have a ball. 

But don't expect me to, because I just don't interact 
with crazy people any more. 

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