--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> Emily, if you feel that Robin is sane, and coherent, please
> explain this (which I looked up after being alerted in email
> that RWC had lost it so heavily that he no longer even knew
> who he was talking to on this forum).

Note that Barry hasn't admitted his own mistake of thinking
Emily was addressing Barry and Vaj when she was addressing
Barry and zarzari. She had even begun the post with "Zarzari..."
and was clearly responding to an exchange between him and
Barry, but by the time Barry got to the phrase "you/Barry,"
Barry was so lost he thought "you" was addressed to Vaj.

Barry's brazenly stolen zarzari's prize for Inadvertent Irony
from right under his nose by proceeding to call *Robin* crazy
for getting people confused.

 In this particular
> tirade, he launches into an abusive analysis *of the wrong
> person*. And then, even after being told he was referring to 
> the wrong person, he has not indicated that his analysis might
> be wrong, or even admitted that his entire manic tirade was 
> based on not caring enough about the people he is supposedly 
> conversing with to tell one of them from the other.

In this exchange, the two of them--Barry and zarzari--were
in near-perfect agreement; they were both saying the same
things. In terms of content, who said what was
inconsequential: Robin's analysis of biases and agendas
fit them both.

Plus which, what Barry quotes below was *clearly* directed
at zarzari rather than Barry. Not only did Robin refer to
zarzari by name twice, he mentioned zarzari coming to post
at FFL (zarzari arrived here *after* Robin did, whereas
Barry was here *before* Robin arrived); and also that
zarzari had made the post he was commenting on before
taking a leave of absence, which again obviously did not
refer to Barry.

Robin was careless in labeling what he quoted. We all get
our attributions wrong on occasion. It's hardly an
indication of mental illness or even personality disorder.

> strikes me as being in the same ballpark of crazy as when
> he earlier lost it heavily over a photograph of him *that
> no one ever suggested existed*.

Well, let's recall the layout of that ballpark, shall we?

Here's what Barry had written:

"I may have to reveal on FFL that I got the image
of Robin dressing up in women's clothing before
posting from a private exchange with Curtis."

Robin misinterpreted "image" to mean "photograph."
He quickly realized his mistake on that point and
apologized. The rest of that episode was about the
real issues involved, not the nonexistent photograph,
contrary to what Barry misleadingly suggests above.

Barry had revealed a private communication between
him and Curtis in a way that made what Curtis had
said to Barry about Robin sound derogatory, and
Robin was understandably upset at Curtis's apparent
hypocrisy, since he and Curtis had been having an
extended very friendly discussion.

Just to reinforce the point: Robin's mistake about
the nonexistent photo was disposed of right at the
start. It was inconsequential with regard to his
actual grievance, which was based on Barry's
deliberate misrepresentation of Curtis's remarks to
Barry in private email.

Curtis had to go to considerable lengths to explain
to Robin the context that Barry had carefully omitted.
(He had even misquoted Curtis.) Curtis also took Barry
to task for having betrayed their private exchange,
and Barry was forced to apologize to Curtis.

The upshot was that Robin came to understand why
Curtis had said what he did privately to Barry. And
Robin's posts as that understanding developed were
quite remarkable. The sequence can be read here:


Bottom line, Barry did his damndest to drive a wedge
between Curtis and Robin and *almost* succeeded. I'm
not sure their relationship was ever quite the same
after this, but they were able to mend fences for a
while, at least.

Barry's had many low points on FFL; this was
unquestionably the lowest, although he's now coming
close to exceeding those depths in trying to exploit
them to Robin's disadvantage.

Barry himself has made so many careless, stupid
mistakes on FFL that one would think he'd have some
humility when someone else makes them.

Also note the *extraordinary* hypocrisy of his comment
about Robin allegedly "not caring enough about the people
he is supposedly conversing with." As if Barry himself
were a model of caring about those he converses with!

> > > Zarzari: [Not really. This was written by me, and 
> > > Robin is too out of it to even notice.] The thing 
> > > that causes me to believe in this theory is the fact 
> > > that RWC refuses to even consider it, even as a 
> > > possibility. *His* subjective view is the only 
> > > possible explanation. That's pretty much classic
> > > NPD/hypomania.
> > 
> > Robin: Judy has done a pretty good job of demolishing this 
> > diagnosis. Zarzari, right from the beginning when you came 
> > to post at FFL you had an intense bias; you waited until 
> > taking your leave of absence, to come out with it directly; 
> > but it was always there in everything you wrote. You have 
> > escaped detection in this regard, for your motives were 
> > always under a compulsion which would vitiate any claims 
> > of fairness or objectivity in this matter. You were only 
> > about saying what you finally said: this MZ guy, he is a 
> > nutcase. Interesting that the credibility of Turq 
> > immediately trumped everything that Judy had been 
> > explaining to you: in that moment you revealed your 
> > uncontrollable agenda. You have impeached yourself, 
> > zarzari.
> If you honestly believe that this is sane behavior, Emily, 
> I wish you good luck in life. You're going to need it.
> What I see is the same pattern that was established and 
> legally censured in Iowa courts -- a disconnect with reality
> that involves becoming highly obsessed with people who don't
> react to him the way he wants them to, and devolves into 
> being abusive towards them *for* seeing him differently
> that he wants them to. That was his entire act back in
> Fairfield, and it's his entire act on Fairfield Life.
> In my opinion, of course. Yours may vary, and that's OK.

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