Emily, if you feel that Robin is sane, and coherent, please
explain this (which I looked up after being alerted in email
that RWC had lost it so heavily that he no longer even knew
who he was talking to on this forum). In this particular
tirade, he launches into an abusive analysis *of the wrong
person*. And then, even after being told he was referring to 
the wrong person, he has not indicated that his analysis might
be wrong, or even admitted that his entire manic tirade was 
based on not caring enough about the people he is supposedly 
conversing with to tell one of them from the other. This 
strikes me as being in the same ballpark of crazy as when
he earlier lost it heavily over a photograph of him *that
no one ever suggested existed*. 

> > Zarzari: [Not really. This was written by me, and 
> > Robin is too out of it to even notice.] The thing 
> > that causes me to believe in this theory is the fact 
> > that RWC refuses to even consider it, even as a 
> > possibility. *His* subjective view is the only 
> > possible explanation. That's pretty much classic
> > NPD/hypomania.
> Robin: Judy has done a pretty good job of demolishing this 
> diagnosis. Zarzari, right from the beginning when you came 
> to post at FFL you had an intense bias; you waited until 
> taking your leave of absence, to come out with it directly; 
> but it was always there in everything you wrote. You have 
> escaped detection in this regard, for your motives were 
> always under a compulsion which would vitiate any claims 
> of fairness or objectivity in this matter. You were only 
> about saying what you finally said: this MZ guy, he is a 
> nutcase. Interesting that the credibility of Turq 
> immediately trumped everything that Judy had been 
> explaining to you: in that moment you revealed your 
> uncontrollable agenda. You have impeached yourself, 
> zarzari.

If you honestly believe that this is sane behavior, Emily, 
I wish you good luck in life. You're going to need it.

What I see is the same pattern that was established and 
legally censured in Iowa courts -- a disconnect with reality
that involves becoming highly obsessed with people who don't
react to him the way he wants them to, and devolves into 
being abusive towards them *for* seeing him differently
that he wants them to. That was his entire act back in
Fairfield, and it's his entire act on Fairfield Life.

In my opinion, of course. Yours may vary, and that's OK.

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