On Dec 28, 2011, at 6:11 AM, turquoiseb wrote:

What I see is the same pattern that was established and
legally censured in Iowa courts -- a disconnect with reality
that involves becoming highly obsessed with people who don't
react to him the way he wants them to, and devolves into
being abusive towards them *for* seeing him differently
that he wants them to. That was his entire act back in
Fairfield, and it's his entire act on Fairfield Life.

In my opinion, of course. Yours may vary, and that's OK.

While the MIU legal team was pretty heavy-handed, they don't sentence people to 40 days in prison for J-walking. There were obviously some behaviors that were way out of line (as mentioned previously) which in addition to this 'skillful action' also resulted in several junior or senior MIU students being expelled and unable to finish their degrees. I remember at that time, MIU was more expensive than most private colleges. So due to these actions, they also lost a huge investment - although one could argue that if they were able to graduate somewhere else, they probably were better off not graduating from a Vedic madrasa in the long run.

The weirdest thing I remember was his going onto campus and shouting at the buildings to break down the demonic forces which were supposedly endangering MIU.

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