--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn <emilymae.reyn@...> wrote:
> I'm sorry Barry. I may have this wrong...I thought I was 
> referring to a conversation between you and Zarzari, not Vag. 
> I can tell the difference between you and Vag 

Vaj. Short for Vajranathra, his screen name. You don't 
seem to be aware of the fact that by referring to him as 
'Vag' you are perpetuating derogative namecalling started 
by people who don't like him. That's fairly clueless of
you IMO, especially in the context of criticizing someone
else for the terms *they* use to describe people.

> I haven't appreciated all the "psychiatric" labeling of late 
> because it's so limiting and dismissive and disrespectful 
> and inaccurate. Other types of labeling - alright then...

So labels like "stupid," "liar," "malicious," etc. are
fine with you, just as long as no one uses terms usually
reserved for shrinks. "Vag" is clearly also OK. I get it. 

> ...but "psychiatric" labels by armchair experts on an internet 
> forum is a bit of a stretch, I think. I actually find the 
> exchanges between Curtis and Robin quite interesting, but 
> I'm acting as a voyeur only in that respect. 

Isn't "voyeur" too psychiatric a term for you to be using,
given what you just criticized? Just sayin'...  :-)

> I don't experience Robin here the way he was purported to 
> behave before he rejected his "enlightenment" and I hold out 
> an ideal that people that are willing to explore their depths 
> change. It doesn't mean that communication patterns or an 
> individual communication style don't persist - that's
> part of the human - expressing who we are and what we believe 
> in an always coherent way, is difficult. 

Not, in my experience, if one is coherent to start with. YMMV.

> But, those that aren't willing or able to explore or question 
> themselves and their depths never truly change/evolve/grow, 
> in my experience. That's O.K. too for them....but that 
> approach won't work for me. Also, I have a pretty loose 
> definition of "crazy" - even looser since I started on this 
> forum. We are all a bit crazy...you too, IMO. I admit to 
> appreciating the "craziness" and "absurdity" of life. 

What I'm questioning is the wisdom of *feeding the fantasies
of people who could possibly be suffering from serious mental
illness*. THAT is what I think has been going on here on FFL 
with Ravi and with Robin, and for the basest of reasons. 

IMO, a small group of rather sick people here praise these 
two, thus feeding their narcissistic fantasies and contributing
to the possibility of making their condition WORSE, for no other
reason than that they're trying to recruit people who will "pile
on" and demonize the same people they live to demonize. I think 
that's not only a little sick, but dangerous. I fear it will 
end badly, and when it does the very people who have been 
*encouraging* Ravi and Robin to act even crazier than they 
normally do are going to say, "Awwww...too bad. But it wasn't 
my fault."

How crazy does a person have to BE before someone used to 
craziness in the TM movement NOTICES? Would RWC have to have
written *twenty* thousand words trying to insult and taunt
Curtis into perpetuating a useless and pointless "I'm right
and you're wrong" argument with him before they thought it 
was crazy? I got it after the first ten thousand words. 

Truth be told, I got it during his first couple of weeks on
FFL. Knowing almost nothing about him, I struggled valiantly
for a while to make it through the incoherent mass of self
obsession that he posted, wrote him off as not worth my time 
to read, and said so. The realization that he was actually 
crazy came later, after he started to make up things to act 
outraged about, and started to abuse people who failed to 
consider him important enough to argue with.

Although I have my doubts about several other people on this
forum, who strike me as fairly "high functioning" psychopaths,
there are two I think are losing their ability to function.
I have named them, and applied what I think are the approp-
riate psychiatric labels to their behavior. 

You don't seem to like these labels. Well, come up with your
own. When doing so, I hope you aren't as limited as those
who have to rely on epithets like "stupid" or "liar." Or,
for that matter, "Vag."

> >________________________________
> > From: turquoiseb <no_re...@yahoogroups.com>
> >To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> >Sent: Wednesday, December 28, 2011 12:36 AM
> >Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: SECOND Open [non-performance] Letter to Ravi 
> >Chivukula
> > 
> >--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn <emilymae.reyn@> wrote:
> >>
> >> From my years of experience, I am of the opinion that you/Barry 
> >> have made some critical and major errors in judgment and should 
> >> have preceded your diagnostic conclusions with a well-researched 
> >> "fatal flaw analysis," at the very least. 
> >
> >Emily, a couple of points. First, Vaj and I are 
> >different people, not one person with two names 
> >separated by a forward slash. You are the second
> >person in two days to not be able to tell the 
> >difference between us, and that we're separate
> >people. Just sayin'. 
> >
> >Second, in saying that I think RWC was suffering 
> >from hypomania and a host of other serious disorders 
> >back when he first declared his enlightenment and 
> >still is today, I was stating my OPINION. I was not 
> >trying to sell that opinion to you.
> >
> >If you feel that someone spending several weeks and
> >writing literally tens of thousands of words, all
> >seemingly dashed off uncontrollably, as if in a fit
> >of mania, all trying to get one person to interact
> >with him so that RWC could tell him over and over
> >and over what's wrong with him -- if you feel this
> >is SANE behavior, I feel sorry for you, but that's
> >your choice. Go with it. 
> >
> >I'm merely pointing out that to me it *doesn't* 
> >feel like SANE behavior. It feels like the opposite.
> >ALL of RWC's ramblings since he appeared on this
> >forum have struck me as being highly manic and as 
> >lacking coherence. Often he "goas off on" and gets
> >crazy behind things *that weren't even said to him*, 
> >such as that there was some incriminating photo of 
> >him in drag running around out there. That was pure 
> >imagination on his part, and in my opinion not 
> >healthy imagination. I think the guy's a total nutcase. 
> >
> >Furthermore I think he's essentially the SAME nutcase
> >he was back in Fairfield, running the SAME number on
> >gullible people here that he ran on gullible people
> >there. Back when he was a crazy person pretending to 
> >be a spiritual teacher in Fairfield, RWC's "schtick" 
> >(according to several sources, not just Vaj) consisted 
> >of dragging people up on stage and then confronting 
> >them and yelling at them and telling them what was 
> >wrong with them and what demons were inhabiting them. 
> >Now look at what he was trying to do to Curtis. Do 
> >you see any difference? I do not.
> >
> >If he sticks around, and you consider him SANE enough
> >to do so, I think you should have as many conversations 
> >with RWC as you see fit. Go for it. Have a ball. 
> >
> >But don't expect me to, because I just don't interact 
> >with crazy people any more. 
> >
> >
> > 
> >
> >

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