--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Robin Carlsen" <maskedzebra@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, iranitea <no_reply@> wrote:
> Dear Iranitea,
> Multiple Personality. I was diagnosed recently, and have been fighting it. 

Robin, don't fight it. Because which Robin would fight it, and would all the 
other Robins agree? Try to take them into the boat rather.

> Robin0, Robin1, Robin2, Robin3, Robin4, and now (if you read my conversation 
> with Share) Robin5 (Brahman Consciousness)—I actually experience myself 
> coming in and going out into all of these six forms of Robin alternately, 
> iranitea. Mind you, when I am in one of these states of consciousness I have 
> a particular view of another state of Robin; for instance the RobinO—he was 
> still in waking state; and could only dream about BC (Robin5). But sometimes 
> Robin5 looks nostalgically back at Robin-1 (before LSD): that guy is, if you 
> really want to know the truth, who my shrink wants me to get back to. And I 
> think him right in this. (Actually it is a she—and she's very beautiful—Oh, 
> my: but now we are into another problem: RobinR (Robin Romantic)—but he has 
> been with all the other seven Robins. Robin-1, Robin0, Robin1 and so on.) 

Yes RobinRomantic, he must be a twin of RobinN (RobinNostalgic)

> Are you wanting a fight here, iranitea? 

Me? No! I can't take it up with 7 Robins.

> Why can't you just be nice and show us you are becoming the Self—instead of 
> faking us out by displaying so prominently all the earmarks of the little 
> self you are trying to get rid of? 

Sorry, I am just trying to make some sense out of you.

> Sucking up to Buck, are you? 

Yep, I like him. And I support what he is about.

> I am loving and honouring and respecting Buck. Yeah, I could use a 
> transparency make-over. But what about Share Long? Where does she fit into 
> the cosmos? 

She just fits fine wherever she may be.

> I am working on that one as you can see.
> No, iranitea, it all makes perfect sense: Why there are seven Robins, is the 
> same reason why there are 330 millions gods in Hinduism, or, to speak more 
> conservatively:
> There is no second God, nor a third, nor is even a fourth spoken of
> There is no fifth God or a sixth nor is even a seventh mentioned.
> There is no eighth God, nor a ninth. Nothing is spoken about a tenth even.
> This unique power is in itself. That Lord is only one, the only omnipresent. 
> It is one and the only one.
> Atharva Veda 13.4.2 19-20

Oh, nice, I didn't know that one. What about the trinity?

> I am aware, in my seven states of Robin simultaneously—or as my poor (but 
> very pretty) psychoanalyst puts it: my Multiple Personality—of essentially 
> being "The Lord [as] only one"—I am " the one and the only one". I know this 
> by direct experience, iranitea, and you are just trying to bring me back into 
> ignorance and Maya and trying to fuck with my mind. I am enlightened! Don't 
> you know that by now, iranitea?

Now, which Robin is saying this? WHO says that I AM enlightened? Obviously not 
Robin3 or Robin4, also not Robin-1. It could only be Robin0, Robin2 or Robin5, 
possibly also RobinR

> Sure I "resort to mysticism" —but maybe I don't. Maybe I am just playing at 
> being seven Robins. And maybe I am not. Maybe I created myself—*and even 
> created YOU, iranitea*—and maybe I did not (probably not, as a matter of 
> fact).
> Enjoy the mystical, iranitea: it's what it's all about after all.
> And in the final analysis what does it matter how we quarrel here on FFL? We 
> are, after all, only the Self. You and me, iranitea: *We are the same*!


> Life obviously is infinitely innocent and infinitely ironic. Don't you see 
> this, iranitea?


> I am one of the Hindu gods using the universe as my playground. Just like 
> you, iranitea.  I see what you are doing! Wink-wink.
> But do the readers here at FFL?
> We won't tell them, iranitea.
> Or will we?

> Iranitea: And, of course, I had many experiences after. So I cannot fee 
> obliged my whole life to one particular experience, and let it enclose my 
> life in one particular pattern. 
> > 
> > The same is true for you Robin, quite obviously and even much more 
> > dramatically, but I cannot achieve the kind of compartmentalization you are 
> > making with respect to all the different Robins in your personal history. 
> > To me it seems there is a Robin1, a Robin2, a Robin3 and a Robin4 up until 
> > 5 maybe, all of them are fairly intact, lets call Robin1 the Robin who as a 
> > TB teacher and just newly enlightened, Robin2 the Robin of the seminars at 
> > FF and whatever happened there, the Robin3 the one who read Aquinas and 
> > became converted to Catholicism, and Robin4 is the post modern, post 
> > catholic Robin. 
> > 
> > There is also Robin0, the one who experimented with LSD (which I never 
> > took). Robin4 tells us that the whole TM trip as a deception, and illusion, 
> > and side by side in the same post Robin1 tells that the initiation into TM 
> > is the most marvelous experience, to which we should always be committed 
> > and faithful. Robin4 tells Emily it is better to never start TM, and Robin1 
> > tells Vaj, that he doesn't know anything because he never transcended and 
> > urges him to start learning TM. It is as if all these personas, are 
> > overlay-ed upon each other, but there is no final resolution. 
> > 
> > Maybe it is your purpose to work on your own history, to reach a sense of 
> > resolution between these levels, but to me it seems you resort to some sort 
> > of mysticism instead.
> > 
> > For Buck I am glad that he is there, in whatever situation he is in, and 
> > makes these things known to us creating transparency. To me he is a very 
> > authentic and honest person.

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