Seventhray, thank you but please NO ENABLING.  OTOH, if you think I've gone too 
far, I would appreciate your calling me on it.  Sincerely.  As I approach my 6 
month FFL anniversary, I might need a little reining in by a wise and 
compassionate other, you.  Finally, I'm pretty sure I'm a woman rather than a 
lady (-:

PS  Hope all your gang are well and happy.

 From: seventhray1 <>
Sent: Monday, November 12, 2012 8:02 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The day hysteria, paranoia, mayhem reigned supreme 
on FFL

Deflector shields up,  Captain.

--- In, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In, "seventhray1" lurkernomore20002000@ 
> wrote:
> >
> > Oh wow. I've got to come out of lurking to tell you that 
> > you are one awewsome lady, Share. You utterly defeat your 
> > detractors and they have no idea that they have been 
> > defeated, or at least put in their place, as they are 
> > so busy trying to demean you.
> Now you've done it, 7ray. Haven't you learned by now
> that praising the DVotW (Designated Victim of the Week)
> is a sure-fire way to become the next DVotW yourself? :-)


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