--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> > I have been just throwing a few ideas out here, I have
> > mostly not wanted to get into the current discussions...
> Wise man. :-)
> > ...but as the current ongoings have been so weird, I
> > thought I would throw something into the ring.
> And interesting "things" they were, too, from my POV.
> I think it's healthy that you weighed in on just how *unhealthy* and
> weird things have gotten around here. I also think it's healthy that
> linked the psychological diagnosis of Narcissistic Personality
> with the more occult/spiritual diagnosis of "attention vampirism." I
> also see the two phenomena as related, and see the weirdness you
> perceive on FFL as the result.
> The way I see it, the Robbster got *hungry* up there in Toronto, and
> needed some "new blood," in the form of attention. NPD individuals
> literally *feed* on attention.
> So he tried first to get it at TM-Free, and they kinda laughed him off
> the forum. Most there wisely perceived him as the very personification
> of the cult thinking he railed against. So then he tried here, hoping
> find an "easier audience," one more gullible and less worldly, one
> would be taken in by his smooth line of regurgitated spiritual
> He succeeded.  :-)
> Here on FFL he found a number of people who were 1) naive and
> in the kinds of games that NPD personalities and wannabee cult leaders
> play, 2) suckers for words, words, words, even if they don't make any
> sense and even if they contradict themselves every other paragraph, 3)
> lot *like* him in that their whole world also revolved around playing
> word games to assert their dominance and suck people into
> "confrontations," nd 4) more than willing to *use* him as a tool with
> which to bash the people *they* lived to bash.
> And as a result, he has to some extent accomplished his goal here.
> gotten some people hooked on actually *reading* his drivel, as if it
> were worth reading. THAT is on one level an accomplishment, and on
> another the biggest condemnation of the TM mindset that has been
> demonstrated on FFL in many years -- the incredibly Low Standards that
> people have when it comes to dealing with spiritual B.S.
> I think it is important for those who have NOT been sucked into his
> to realize what its goal is, whether they see him as merely Just
> Dweeb Suffering From Narcissistic Personality Disorder, or Just
> Wannabee Spiritual Vampire. In either view, there is only one point to
> the game he's playing: "Keep focusing on me. Keep talking about me. It
> doesn't matter what you say as long as you say it. Even if you don't
> interact with me, I'll pretend that you did, and attempt to 'reply'
> while pretending you did."
> On one level, it's appropriate to have some compassion for him, to
> him, and to wonder what on Earth could have *happened* to make him
> way. On another level, it is IMO appropriate to wonder the same things
> about those who have been taken in by his act. At this point it's
> a kind of circle jerk -- a group pathology in which the players stroke
> each other off (literally) while using their supposed back-slapping
> High School superiority to bash other people who haven't joined them
> their folly.
> In a very real sense, Robin really *has* adopted the role of a teacher
> here at FFL. He's been conducting a class in How To Be
> Personality Disordered. And he's attracted a number of students who
> now aping his tactics, his florid language, his incredibly bad
> his tendency to "answer" things by posting YouTube videos and Other
> People's Words, and most of all his inflated and unrealistic sense of
> self-worth.
> While on one level it occasionally makes for entertaining "shake one's
> head and roll one's eyes at the sheer idiocy of it all" reading, on
> another level it's a pity, because the constant bickering and
> confrontation mindset has all but driven away real intelligent
> conversation about Things Spiritual. And that, after all, may have
> another aspect of the "goal," both for Robin and for the people who
> glommed onto him. NPD individuals only appear to be charismatic and
> intelligent in the absence of true charisma and intelligence. So if
> could "dumb down" FFL and bring it down to their level, the way they
> think that would make them appear smarter.
> The funny thing is that -- from my POV and that of many others here --
> Ravi's histrionic Subject line is actually apt, and describes what FFL
> has become well. It's just that he gets the players and the
> of the hysteria, paranoia, and mayhem wrong. My bet is that there are
> lot of lurkers out there who haven't, and understand *who* started all
> this craziness, and *why*.
> Just in closing, welcome to the DVotW Club yourself. It will take the
> Robinettes a little while to light into you, because they'll have to
> pretend its over some unrelated nitpick, not this post, but we'll know
> what it's really about. You aligned yourself with reason and sanity
> against irrationality and craziness. You can almost hear them out
> thinking, "Son of a bitch must PAY for this...just wait...we'll get
> him!"  :-)  :-)  :-)


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