--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray27" <steve.sundur@...> wrote:
You always read me perfectly, Steve, and I am loving it. And you have been more 
merciful than most here--I don't like people criticizing me--but you, you say 
something nice when you do this (put me in a better place). And believe me, 
Steve: this makes all the difference.

I am trying to 'get' your philosophy; I think you are trying to teach it to me 
indirectly--through anecdotes like the ones in this post. I think this an 
efficacious way to get your wisdom to go right into me, Steve.

I will let you know (through my deeds) the progress I am making. Don't ever 
give up on me. I need your help--AND your love.

We are good now, I think, Steve.

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Robin Carlsen" <maskedzebra@>
> wrote:
> snip
> > If there is some way that I can get in on the fun that you have (maybe
> that is a little too much to hope for--but even just to experience a
> fraction of what you enjoy; at least that would be an improvement),
> perhaps you can begin to lead me in that direction. I feel you have
> penetrated to a secret which I have attempted to keep to myself, but
> with this post, Steve, this one post, I feel you have begun to break me
> open, and I would ask you to follow through here with the next level of
> my initiation into The Way to Have Better Sex and More Fun.
> >
> > I am dead serious about this, Steve.
> I do not do volunteer work, but that might be something you would want
> to consider, as it seems to bring some fulfillment to people.  Or you
> may decide to go ice skating one evening.  I can't really make a
> recommendation on sex.  That would be a rather personal issue.
> > You have shown yourself remarkably immune from having life bring you
> to a point of internal crisis.
> On the contrary, I feel I have an internal crisis many times a day.  In
> fact, at night, I sometimes marvel that I have been able to get through
> another day.  If this sounds like I am down, I am not.  It is just my
> reality, and I accept it.  And that is why I like the term, "living in
> the moment".  I don't care what it may mean for other people, for me it
> means taking care of the business at hand.
> I don't know if things will ease up once I get past this period in life.
> I work to keep those daily pressures from affecting my psychology and
> physiology.
> Todays funny story.  Last night my son came home from college for
> Christmas Break.  The first thing he said was, "I am really psyched for
> next semester"  I think I know what that means.
>   This, I believe, is a kind of unconscious metaphysical virtue--I need
> to unlearn what has turned me into a Soren without the humour.
> >
> > This is a start, Steve--and only you and I know it is said sans irony.
> >
> > Love,
> > Robin
> >

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