--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray27" <steve.sundur@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Robin Carlsen" <maskedzebra@>
> wrote:
> > Don't mind me, laughinggull: I compensate for my congenital mediocrity
> by trying to be much more interesting and provocative than I have a
> right to be.
> >
> > My life is just very dull.
> >
> > Forgive me.
> Hey everybody, give it up for Robin C!
> You know Robin, studies have been done that show that those people
> typically categorized as "blue collar" have sex more often than those
> who have achieved a higher level of education.   I suspect they also
> laugh more, and do not take things as seriously.
> I do worry that the element of fun seems to be missing in your life.
> Let me know if there is anything I can do to help out in this regard.
> Sincerely,
> Steve

I am going to take you at your word, Steve. I feel you are, in your own way, 
showing me some real love here. It is true: If I have one regret in my life, it 
is "the element of fun seems to be missing in [my] life"--however, the ironic 
thing is that by confessing that, I tried to GIVE THE OPPOSITE IMPRESSION. But 
your post here does go where there is this mysterious and inappropriate 
seriousness--Perhaps you have some solution? It is one thing to sympathize, 
Steve--but in your last sentence you actually suggest you might have a remedy? 
Or am I reading too much into what you have said?

If there is some way that I can get in on the fun that you have (maybe that is 
a little too much to hope for--but even just to experience a fraction of what 
you enjoy; at least that would be an improvement), perhaps you can begin to 
lead me in that direction. I feel you have penetrated to a secret which I have 
attempted to keep to myself, but with this post, Steve, this one post, I feel 
you have begun to break me open, and I would ask you to follow through here 
with the next level of my initiation into The Way to Have Better Sex and More 

I am dead serious about this, Steve.

You have shown yourself remarkably immune from having life bring you to a point 
of internal crisis. This, I believe, is a kind of unconscious metaphysical 
virtue--I need to unlearn what has turned me into a Soren without the humour.

This is a start, Steve--and only you and I know it is said sans irony.


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