--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long <sharelong60@...> wrote:
> Earth Day is ending, the lawn
> of my lady-parts is still not green.
> Has J's curse gone astray, dear grey?

Share, despite AZ's...uh...colorful metaphor, I don't think
you're in danger of your lady parts turning green any time
soon. However, I think I detect a distinct tinge of jealousy-
green coming from the person who has been reduced to sputter-
ing badly-tranliterated Yiddish insults at you.  :-)

What's going on is that she has been counting on you being
her Ongoing Victim, and in being to get you to rise to the
bait whenever she taunts you. You have been failing to do
that, which drives her CRAZY because she considers herself
so much SMARTER than you are. 

ALL of her fantasies (as expressed on this forum, anyway...
who knows what she fantasizes about privately) revolve 
around *ruining someone's day*, and making them feel bad 
because she's "proved them wrong" or "made them appear to
look stupid" or devastated them with her oh-so-barbed 
tongue. And NONE Of that has been working on you. 

You've been doing to her what Curtis did to Robin and what
I've done to Judy for some time -- LAUGHING AT HER. And 
this drives her stark raving bonkers. She really can't 
COMPREHEND how anyone can sit back and *not* react to her 
ongoing taunts and insults, so you've essentially confounded 
her and rendered her powerless and sputtering in a language
she (clearly) doesn't even know. 

Read my lips...if this keeps up, and you continue to just
laugh at her taunts and those of her groupies trying to
get you to react, they'll eventually move on to some other
victim. Possibly (and more entertainingly) they'll start
to turn on each other. The important thing from their 
point of view is that they HAVE a victim, and that they 
are AFFECTING that victim, making them feel bad, being the 
chronic abusers they are against co-dependent victims who 
"play along" by agreeing to feel abused.

If we just LAUGH at them (while pitying them a little for
the emptiness of a life that renders this their only form
of entertainment or fulfillment) and go on living our
lives AS IF THEY SIMPLY DIDN'T MATTER, sooner or later 
one or more of them might catch a clue and realize that

> ________________________________
>  From: azgrey <no_re...@yahoogroups.com>
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> Sent: Monday, April 22, 2013 6:14 PM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: what a Sunday on FFL
> Dear Share, 
> Google has a full translation function. I'm not sure that
> the Jerseyese section contains all of the dialects as what
> I came up with is she either wants to preform sanyama
> on your lawn or is expressing an unnatural interest in the 
> operation of your lady-parts. 
> Alex might be able to help as he seen to be a native speaker. 
> He might have to first get a refill on his ointment. 
> Hugs, 
> azgrey 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <authfriend@> wrote:
> >
> > Share, are you familiar with the expression "Blow it
> > out your ass"?
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long <sharelong60@> wrote:
> > >
> > > Judy, your biases are noted.  As is your continuing self
> > > delusion about the presence of those biases and your ongoing 
> > > inability to see more complete truth much less express it.
> > (snip)
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long <sharelong60@> wrote:
> > > (snip)
> > > > from Judy, best expression of her *hypochondria:  I'm allergic
> > > > to dishonesty.
> > > (snip)
> > > > *hypochondria n. The persistent conviction that one is or is
> > > > likely to become ill, often involving symptoms when illness
> > > > is neither present nor likely,
> > > 
> > > Says the person who has to her discredit an *astounding*
> > > number of examples of the most flagrant dishonesty--most
> > > recently her combined smear of raunchy and Robin today--
> > > including rewriting history as documented by *her own 
> > > posts*, and who has been unable either to explain away
> > > the dishonesty or acknowledge it.
> > > 
> > > (And by the way, the symptoms of allergy *are* the illness.)
> > >
> >

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