--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 <no_reply@> wrote:
>> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Xenophaneros Anartaxius" 
>> <anartaxius@> wrote:
>>> It is right up Nabby's alley, along with that nut case Benjamin Creme.
>>> I too am waiting anxiously for the Bastards of Wisdom to descend upon 
>>> Earth, bringing their whatever...laundry?
>> I see, so anartaxius this is what all your supposedly highminded 
>> philosophies and so-called insights you post here in your long posts 
>> regarding enlightenment and whatnot boils down to; no accomplishments on the 
>> finer levels, no knowledge, no insights. Thanks for the clarification.

> Words anartaxius, endless words, words words, you're quite good at that 
> arent't you ? Post after post. Not at the same level as Robin in quality nor 
> quantity, but you certainly are trying. Yet there is an obvious difference. 
> Where Robin was writing his endless posts from experience you write them from 
> memory of something you read. Where Robin became boring because of the 
> massive volume of what he wrote, not because of the content which was very, 
> very beautiful, you are boring because there is nothing there except digested 
> material. Have you ever thought of how infinately boring digested material 
> really is ? Take a moment and think about it. How do I know this ? Simply by 
> glancing superfiscially at some of you posts now and then over the years, 
> completely superficially. And it turned out to be true because only someone 
> with, to quote myself: "no accomplishments on the finer levels, no knowledge, 
> no insights" can write that which you wrote above.
> Rather, write about what you experience, surfing for example, it's quite 
> enjoyable and you're good at putting words together. But stay away from 
> serious stuff for which you have no qualifications.
In making a comment on one of Turq's post, I dragged you into the fray. Your 
are certainly within your rights to assume that my comment was unkind, as I 
implied Benjamin Creme was something of an idiot, and by extension, if you 
believe his shtick, you also. I am not trying to emulate Robin here. And you 
have certainly nailed my plodding writing style. And as to digested material, 
of course it is. Everything I say is recycled from things I have hear, read, 
written from what I have heard and read, just rearranged. The human mind is a 
memory machine, filled with stuff that it ingested, recycles it and 
regurgitates it. Everything we know intellectually is largely in this form of 
rehashing the past But it is not so easy to determine what a person who says 
such things actual experience is. How do you know what I experience? I use 
recycled language, sometimes rearranged, to describe my experience, or to say 
what I am thinking. How can a person not do this?

Now, assuming I have

no accomplishments on the finer levels
no knowledge
no insights

What do you think I would have said had I accomplishments on the finer levels, 
knowledge, and insights?

Or, If you cannot intuit this, what do you think anyone who had such 
accomplishments on finer levels, knowledge and insights would or should have 
said? How do you think people should take such pronouncements?

Benjamin Creme does have accomplishments. He is or was an author. But 
predicting the appearance of World Teachers, coming Messiahs, planetary 
transitions and whatnot has had an extremely poor record of success for anyone 
who has attempted it. Creme tried it, and is trying it still, but you blow this 
just once, and people no longer take you as seriously unless they are very dim. 
Christians have been at it for 2,000 years for example, and they have not had 
one success.

You can take this on a more subtle level, that such an appearance is really an 
experience on some refined level of the mind, or of experience, if you think 
somehow the mind can be bypassed. This was probably the original intent of the 
Christian message.

Crop circles and aliens is difficult to believe for a number of reasons. Why 
would an alien civilisation try to make their presence known in such an 
ambiguous inept manner? Crop circles can be made using rope, wooden stakes, and 
wooden planks. This has been demonstrated many, many times.

Take a science fiction story, Arthur C. Clarke's 'Childhood's End'. Aliens, the 
Overlords for Earth, arrive in huge ships hovering over major cities of the 
world. Something that would be completely unambiguous as nothing like that is 
remotely possible using our current technology. Crop circles on the other hand, 
besides being completely within very simple human technology, as a 
communication method is even less believable than the plot of that hideously 
inept motion picture by Ed Wood, 'Plan Nine from Outer Space' where in order to 
attract attention, saucer travelling aliens raise the dead. Just in one 
cemetery, one with cardboard thin tombstones. If we found zombies walking 
around, at least we humans would think something rather odd was happening, 
because our ability to 'raise the dead' is limited to reviving a seriously 
injured person using medical technology, just some of the time. The person has 
not actually died yet.

I do know one person who believes in alien visitation, and most of the 
information from this person seems to come from popular books and TV programs. 
Scientists, un-named, are quoted. But this person has a very remote idea of 
what science is about.

If you have a fantastic story, and you want a large number of people to believe 
it, there are various things you can do. But if you have a fantastic story and 
want sceptical people to believe it, there are certain things you must do, and 
one of those things is a preponderance of evidence that can be checked and 
doubled checked by many different people.

One thing you cannot check this way is that thing we call enlightenment, 
because only the person that has it, has that experience, only that person can 
find out what it is like, if it exists at all. You can investigate crop 
circles, you can tell if someone says something is going to happen, and it 
doesn't, this is much easier to do, so it is more difficult to provide a 
fantastic story about these events than to create a story about spiritual 
things, things that are like ghosts, unseen, hidden. There are those that think 
enlightenment does not really exist. Maybe that is true.

By the way, I know nothing about surfing other than watching some movies and 
videos about it. I was in a store the other day watching a video made by a 
small camera that can be attached to a surf board. Unfortunately, if I were on 
a surf board, I surely would become unattached to it in short order.

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