--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "salyavin808" <fintlewoodlewix@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <authfriend@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "salyavin808" <fintlewoodlewix@> 
> > wrote:
> > (snip)
> > > It has been more than adequately demonstrated that a bunch of
> > > guys with planks can make even the most complicated mathematically
> > > designed motiffs in the tiny amount of darkness you get midsummer
> > > in England.
> > 
> > Documentation, pleez?
> It was an hour long BBC documentary (I've been trying to find it)
> I think in the Horizon strand.
> Basically, they got in touch with a group of crop circle makers
> and asked to film them but doing a design as complex as they can
> get and in one summer night. Good enough controls really, if you
> want to test whether there is anything men with planks can't do.

Let me know if you find it. I'm skeptical about "as complex
as they can get."

> So the BBC got a mathematician to design a stupidly difficult
> pictogram and off they went with a rope, a few planks and a muted torch and 
> in a few hours they were done. And it was good, very
> convincing. And, as I say, I was amazed that was all the tech they
> had!
> It seems to me that if they can do it then others can and any
> supernatural explanation becomes unnecessary. Unless there is
> any truth that circles have been seen appearing in a few minutes,
> which I doubt. Or any other radiation type weirdness, but paranormal
> events have a sad history of people not knowing what they are 
> doing with measuring technology and gaining false results, so it's
> best left to the experts.

There actually is a bunch of real experts working on
this stuff.

> Trouble is, the experts all think that as people can do tough 
> designs with a plank in a few hours there is no need to drag
> expensive sensing gear out to the middle of nowhere to measure
> wheat stalks. Hey ho.

Well, right, but it's not just measuring wheat stalks;
and as I say, there are real scientists looking at all
the various ancillary phenomena. If you haven't debunked
*all* of it--shown you can get all the weird results by
ordinary means--you haven't really debunked it at all.

I am *not* a "Believer," BTW. I just don't think it's
been settled yet.

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