Are you still insisting that "it's pretty much standard practice these days for 
bloggers and commenters when they want to say something emphatically"?  

---In, <authfriend@...> wrote:

 I don't "follow" it because it's a fad. I don't "follow" it at all, actually; 
I very rarely use it. But it really isn't "stupid"--if you think about how it 
would sound if you said it aloud, you may hear an echo of, say, your mother: 
"You. Get. In. Here. Right. Now." It can be an effective way of emphasizing 

 Me, I don't think "standards of good writing" on a Web forum (i.e., highly 
informal, conversational) necessarily exclude what would be nonstandard in more 
formal writing if it adds something--flavor, humor, irony, surprise. It can be 
creative and entertaining if well used.

 Given your reaction, I'll most likely use the period-after-every-word effect 
more often. It's fun to see your stuffy freakout.

 I believe Barry has used it a few times, but that didn't seem to have upset 
you. Double standards, perhaps?
Feste huffed:
 > Goodness me, just because it's a fad on the Web doesn't mean you have to 
 > follow it. It. Makes. No. Sense. At. All. It's. Stupid.  I thought you were 
 > the sort of person who liked to uphold standards of good, effective writing, 
 > but alas, it appears that I am mistaken. I. Am. Sad. About. That. 


 ---In, <authfriend@...> wrote:

 Feste tries again:
 > Standard practice? You have got to be kidding.

 Uh, no.

 > I have never seen it before. I. Think. It. Is. Very. Bad. Writing.
 LOL. Better learn to appreciate Web-speak for the sake of your blood pressure. 
It's not going anywhere.

 > It's quite fun watching you being a punching bag for everyone else and 
 > lamely trying to claim victory.
 Actually I don't "claim victory." The folks throwing the punches and missing 
(or smacking themselves in the face) are losers without any assistance from me. 
But I'm glad you're enjoying the spectacle.

 > As for the testosterone pills, I don't need them. Just ask my girlfriend. 



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