If it was "standard practice", you'd probably have seen it posted here on FFL after ten years and thousands of postings. And, anyone would be able to cite such practice, even without a doing a good search. It sure sounds like a Judy fib to me, and even she never once in ten years used extra dots in her posts, so if true, Judy does not follow standard posting practice. Go figure.

On 11/29/2013 7:33 PM, feste37 wrote:

Are you still insisting that "it's pretty much standard practice these days for bloggers and commenters when they want to say something emphatically"?

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <authfriend@...> wrote:

I don't "follow" it because it's a fad. I don't "follow" it at all, actually; I very rarely use it. But it really isn't "stupid"--if you think about how it would sound if you said it aloud, you may hear an echo of, say, your mother: "You. Get. In. Here. Right. Now." It can be an effective way of emphasizing something.

Me, I don't think "standards of good writing" on a Web forum (i.e., highly informal, conversational) necessarily exclude what would be nonstandard in more formal writing if it adds something--flavor, humor, irony, surprise. It can be creative and entertaining if well used.

Given your reaction, I'll most likely use the period-after-every-word effect more often. It's fun to see your stuffy freakout.

I believe Barry has used it a few times, but that didn't seem to have upset you. Double standards, perhaps?

Feste huffed:

    > Goodness me, just because it's a fad on the Web doesn't mean you have to 
follow it. It. Makes. No. Sense.
    At. All. It's. Stupid. I thought you were the sort of person who
    liked to uphold standards of good, effective writing, but alas, it
    appears that I am mistaken. I. Am. Sad. About. That.

        ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <authfriend@...> wrote:

        *Feste tries again:*

        > Standard practice? You have got to be kidding.

        *Uh, no.*

        > I have never seen it before. I. Think. It. Is. Very. Bad. Writing.

        *LOL. Better learn to appreciate Web-speak for the sake of
        your blood pressure. It's not going anywhere.*

        > It's quite fun watching you being a punching bag for everyone else and
        lamely trying to claim victory.

        *Actually I don't "claim victory." The folks throwing the
        punches and missing (or smacking themselves in the face) are
        losers without any assistance from me. But I'm glad you're
        enjoying the spectacle.*

        > As for the testosterone pills, I don't need them. Just ask my 


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