I'm with you.  I saw that same Hill's chart and I
don't think those charts are very accurate.  We have a
16.5 year old kitty that is doing great.  She's
considered geriatric, but I never saw a geriatric
human race around the house like she does.  LOLOLOL. 
Never been sick a day in her life.  Her name is Julie.
 I got my dog when I was 17, and she died when I was
33, so she lived 16/17 years.  She was part grey wolf,
part german shepherd or something else, not sure.  I
think she would have lived a lot longer had an elderly
friend of ours not run over her and her leg had to be
amputated, which led to her not being able to get
around as well when she got older.  There is just no
good set of rules for things like age.  I mean look at
Sean Connery, for goodness sakes.  

Maybe you aren't the wrong person to adopt these
kitties.  Maybe they are teaching you something you
need to know, whatever it may be.  I know I'm learning
from mine that I can't control everything!  And to
enjoy life as it finds us, as much as we can.


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