Mark D. Lew wrote:
> At 7:48 AM 06/23/02, David H. Bailey wrote:
>>There is not the ability to hide every element you might want to hide,
>>using a staff style. For instance if you wanted to hide every 8th rest,
>>you would have to do that manually using the speedy entry tool. That is
>>not something you can do with a staff style.
> Not sure why you'd want to, but if you really wanted to hide EVERY 8th
> rest, you could do that easily by changing the eighth rest character to a
> space (Document Settings->Music Characters). That's a document-wide
> setting, though, so it would hide every eighth rest in the entire piece.
> If you wanted to keep some of them, you'd have to dream up some other
> kludge to bring them back, like maybe an articulation.
I was just picking an example completely out of thin air of something
that a staff style couldn't do, that's all.
I can think of several ways of accomplishing, that but none involve
staff styles, which is the point I was making -- to answer a post where
the poster was seeming to think that staff styles could solve every problem.
David H. Bailey
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