On 9/17/02 7:25 PM or thereabouts, David W. Fenton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> But I still don't understand the logic behind mirroring lyrics BY
> DEFAULT. Yes, it's an obviously useful OPTION, but as a default
> behavior with no acceptable alternative for doing otherwise, it
> boggles the mind.

I gotta agree with David here.  I work infrequently with lyrics, so I guess
I knew in the back of my mind that copying results in mirrored lyrics rather
than duplicated lyrics, but somehow I always seem to forget.  Or perhaps I
figure that Coda will surely have FIXED THIS by the next time I have to work
with lyrics (usually once a year or so).  But regardless, by trying to save
a few seconds by copying and pasting rather than re-entering the lyrics (for
the sake of a *one word* difference between verses), I screwed up the lyric
assignment for the entire piece and had to delete them all and put them in
again via click-assignment.

- Darcy

Boston, MA

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