I actually prefer the mirrored lyrics approach, but it requires 
forethought and discipline. Generally, unless you are truly writing a 
multiverse piece, such as a hymn, you should put all your lyrics in a 
single verse. This avoids the baseline headaches that others have mentioned.

Personally, being the normalization freak that I am, I typically write 
in a vocal text exactly as the lyricist or poet wrote it. If my 
text-setting repeats words, I back up the click assigner and assign the 
same syllables multiple times. If I were typesetting the Hallelujah 
Chorus, my Edit Lyrics box might well just contain the "Hallelujah" word 
once. (Well, actually probably twice: once at the beginning and once at 
the end.)

I know this helps David very little now, but knowing how Finale lyrics 
work one can actually exploit the behavior rather than be irritated by 
it. In the mean time, I'll mention that my Mass Copy plugin can clear 
lyric assignments. Its behavior in this regard is no better that Mass 
Mover, except it is more efficient in many situations. Also, Mass Copy 
can replicate (mirrored) lyric assignments on partial 
measures--something that Mass Mover (ahem, "Edit") cannot do.

Robert Patterson


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