At 2:18 PM -0400 9/20/02, David W. Fenton wrote:
>On 19 Sep 2002 at 19:49, Mark D. Lew wrote:
>>  At 6:30 PM 09/19/02, David W. Fenton wrote:
>>  >You're lapsing into Mac-speak -- I have no idea what you mean by
>>  >OPTION-CLICK. I understand that it's one of the shift keys, but it is
>>  >peculiar to the Mac, and I don't know what it maps to on Windows, nor
>>  >what it does.
>>  Sorry. I don't know where the function is on PC.  I'm sure it exists, but
>>  with a different keystroke.
>You still haven't told me what OPTION-CLICK actually *does*.

Are you getting my messages? I'm replying to the list and to you 
separately. There may be some sort of blackhole swallowing up my 
messages. I've explained it at least twice.

When you are click-assigning lyrics, instead of clicking on each note 
one at a time to assign them, you can hold down the option key (on 
Mac) or the Alt key (PC) when you click on the first note, and every 
syllable in the window will automatically assign itself to each 
succeeding note, in order, skipping tied notes and rests. Spaces, 
hyphens, and carriage returns all suffice to make the skip to the 
next note. THe process will continue until you either run out of 
lyrics, or a blank measure is encountered. If you want to continue 
assigning lyrics after a blank measure, then opt-click on the first 
note of the next phrase, and the process will continue from where it 
left off.

>So, if nobody recommends multi-assignment of a single lyric WHY THE
>copy operation links to the original lyrics, rather than creating a
>new copy. That would seem to me to show that the designers of Finale
>thought entering the lyrics as few times as possible and assigning
>them to as many voices as they occurred in was the optimal approach.
>I can see no other justification for the behavior of the copy.

Yep, it's dumb. We probably all wish that copies of music would NOT 
mirror lyrics.

>  > >If you are recommending putting each in separately in EDIT LYRICS,
>>  >then I simply so no virtue over TYPE IN SCORE, except in terms of it
>>  >being "closer to the metal" in terms of the flaws in Finale's UI
>>  >implementation.
>>  That's one advantage, yes. I also prefer being able to do all the typing
>>  separate from the assigning. I find the multi-click-assign method to be
>>  faster than type in score for getting all the lyrics into place where I
>>  want them. Also, I like being able to view the text all in one place,
>>  organized into verses as I choose. And I like being able to type the lyrics
>>  in a format with line breaks and spacing to match the poetry, or whatever
>>  other visual scheme I find most helpful.
>But in highly repetitive music like the Mozart Requiem, you actually
>get something like this:
>Re-qui-em ae-ter-nam, ae-ter-nam do-na e-is, do-na, do-na e-is Do-mi-
>ne, re-qui-em ae-ter-nam do-na e-is Do-mi-ne: et lux per-pe-tu-a, et
>lux per-pe-tu-a lu-ce-at, lu-ce-at e- is. Ex-au-di, ex-au-di, ex-au-
>di, o-ra-ti-o-nem me-am, ad te, ad te o-mnis, o-mnis ca-ro ve-ni- et.
>Re-qui-em ae-ter-nam do-na, do-na e-is, e-is Do-mi-ne, do-na, do-na e-
>is, do-na e-is, do-na: et lux per-pe-tu-a, et lux per-pe-tu-a lu-ce-
>at e-is, et lux per-pe-tu-a lu-ce-at e-is. Ky-ri-e e-le-i-son, e-le i-
>son, e-le-i-son, Ky-ri-e e-le-i-son, e-le-i-son, Chri-ste e-le-i-son,
>e-le-i-son, e-le-i-son, e-le-i-son, e-le-i-son, Chri-ste e-le-i-son,
>Ky-ri-e e-le-i-son, e-le-i- son, Ky-ri-e e-le-i-son, e-le-i-son, Chri-
>ste e-le-i- -son, e-le-i-son, Chri-ste e-le-i- son, Ky-ri-e e-le-i-
>son, e-le-i-son, e-le-i-son, Chri-ste e-le-i-son, e-le-i-son, e-le-i-
>son, e-le-i-son, e-le-i-son, e-le-i-son,  Ky-ri-e e-le-i-son.
>I don't see how that furthers anything whatsoever. It isn't poetry, 
>so there are no natural line breaks, and since there's repetition of
>every single word, many times each, there is no comprehensibility to
>In short, it has meaning and comprehensibility only in the context of
>the score.
>So, unless you're typing only:
>Re-qui-em ae-ter-nam do-na e-is Do-mi-ne:
>et lux per-pe-tu-a lu-ce-at e- is.
>Ex-au-di, o-ra-ti-o-nem me-am ad te o-mnis ca-ro ve-ni- et.
>Ky-ri-e e-le-i-son,
>Chri-ste e-le-i-son,
>Ky-ri-e e-le-i-son.
>then I just don't see the advantage to using EDIT LYRICS and click
>assignment in terms of comprehensibility and the relationship to the
>original text.

You have hit on it, but only halfway. You type it in once as you said 
at the end (I include the carriage returns too, for legibility), copy 
it into four different verses, then park your hand over the command-c 
and command-v and start copying and pasting, baby. Each verse is 
different according to the voice that will be singing it. Once the 
soprano voice lyrics are perfect, you opt-click (sorry, alt-click) it 
into the soprano staff, make whatever shifts you have to, correct any 
errors, then move on to the alto voice, which is verse 2.

I suppose alternatively you could re-assign the SAME lyric to several 
different groups of notes, in any voice, but that's asking for 
trouble. Not to mention it's kind of a pain scrolling back and forth 
in the Click Assign window looking for the right lyric. I prefer the 
larger Edit Lyrics window, combined with Copy and Paste, followed by 
opt-click assignment.

This may not be the way you prefer to work, but it is efficient and 
error-free, and you can edit each voice independently without 
affecting the others if you change your mind or find a mistake. There 
are a lot of things that are different in Finale than the way I 
prefer to work (like I can only put in chord symbols once the entries 
are in; I almost always START with the chord symbols when I use a 
pencil.) But Finale is a tool. An awkward, figety tool, to be sure, 
but it's the best I've got. And I learned a long time ago that raging 
at a computer is kind of useless. Yelling at a tech support person 
(or the List) is MUCH more satisfying.

>Sections and staves are not the same thing. Again, you are using the
>screw driver to hammer the nail. Of course, that's entirely because
>Coda has not provided you with a hammer.

Argh. Fine, call them whatever you like. It is useful (for some of 
us) to have each staff with its own verse. They are not the same, but 
many of us associate them just to keep it straight in our head. Verse 
1- soprano. Verse 2 - alto. Etc. For no other reason than it makes 
the tool we have work better.

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