On 20 Sep 2002 at 10:42, Dennis Bathory-Kitsz wrote:

> Modern audio and especially video editing belong to the class of "NLE" --
> non-linear editing. A typical film montage during an action scene is an
> example -- many angles and zooms and motions and cutaways and sound and
> effects and voices are used from the original multiple camera shots and
> retakes. They are edited today into a single film without actually cutting
> any film or tape. The originals stay intact and you establish a 'window'
> into them.

I was once a guest at the video studio that does all the promotional 
spots for SciFi channel, and they explained that this method was 
actually originally created because of the storage requirements of 
digitally encoded video. 

They have the original source raw video stored in their terrabytes of 
disk storage.

The final edit is a series of instructions that constructs the output 
from pointers into the time track of the stored digital video.

So, a final edit has a very small amount of data, relative to the 
source video, because all it does is say:

  at time track xxx:xx:xx:xx start at 
         [pointer to source video file]:yyy:yy:yy:yy
         continue for zzz:zz:zz:zz
  at time track aaa:aa:aa:aa start at 
         [pointer to source video file]:bbb:bb:bb:bb 
         continue for ccc:cc:cc:cc

and so forth. And no doubt effects are applied to that in the stream 
of edit instructions.

At this studio, they then recorded that to digital video tape and 
sent it off to the customer. If they'd been required to store the 
resulting digital stream, they would have needed 100s of times the 
storage space.

Finale would benefit greatly from a more object-oriented structure, 
where source objects could be subclassed with properties that 
override those of the source object. That's really what the whole 
lyrics structure is set up for in the first place, but without the 
capability of overriding properties of the source data.

I've wished for this with articulations and expressions, too. For 
dynamics, for instance, it would work like this:

  I insert an "f" which is set to key velocity 88

  I listen, and this forte is just a bit too abrupt so I want it to 
be a slightly lower key velocity. So, I right click on this "f" and 
choose from the context menu "adjust properties of this expression" 
(as opposed to "edit underlying expression definition") and set the 
key velocity to 80.

With Finale presently, I have two choices:

  1. create a separate "f" expression that has key velocity of 80

  2. edit the MIDI data to back off the base key velocity.

I don't really like either of those, the latter because you can't see 
what has been done onscreen, and the former because you I hate having 
multiple visually identical expressions. In WinFin2003 I've started 
using the brackets to indicate the key velocity for supplementary 
dynamic markings, but they look terrible onscreen because Finale uses 
the music font for the whole thing. It would be nice if Finale used 
some system font for the brackets and anything inside the brackets.

David W. Fenton                         |        
David Fenton Associates                 |        

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