On 19 Sep 2002 at 20:53, Mark D. Lew wrote:

> At 9:18 PM 09/19/02, Noel Stoutenburg wrote:
> >I don't enter consecutive hyphens as much anymore either, but they get
> >generated in
> >"type into score" mode when one has [...]
> >[...] the original separators persist, so that an examination of the
> >lyrics block shows something on the order of "Hal - - -le - lu- jah".
> Ah, OK, I get it now.  Since I rarely use type in score, I wasn't familiar
> with such patterns.  As I noted before, any group of consecutive separator
> characters is treated as a single separator, thus the redundant ones may be
> safely removed.  Removing non-redundant separators will result in lyrics
> being shifted.

The main problem here is that in the only mode in which you can *see* 
the redundant separators, you can't tell where they are *used*. So, 
you can't really know if they are redundant or not.

And that, in a nutshell, is what is wrong with the UI overall -- the 
only UI in which you can see everything you need from a musical point 
of view does not properly edit the underlying text stream.

I would honestly be perfectly happy with lyrics if TYPE IN SCORE were 
properly integrated with the underlying text stream. That is, if I 
could never create problems that would require me to look in EDIT 
LYRICS, I'd be happy.

David W. Fenton                         |        
David Fenton Associates                 |        

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