At 1:28 PM -0400 9/27/02, Darcy James Argue wrote:
>On 9/27/02 8:42 AM or thereabouts, Christopher BJ Smith
><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> intoned:
>>  Hmm, I usually accomplish the same thing by hiding Layer 2 entries
>>  using "O" and attaching the chord symbols to the hidden Layer 2
>>  entries.
>Ah.  This doesn't work for Layer 1 -- pressing "O" to hide the entries also
>hides anything attached to them, including chord symbols.

That's strange! I never noticed that before, although I must say I 
never tried it. Well, I for one am glad that my Layer 2 chord symbols 
still show up...

>  > That way I don't mess up my displayed notation because it's
>>  using layer options from some other layer. I suppose if you reserved
>>  Layer 4 for chord symbols and hid them using Blank Notation for layer
>>  4, this would be more consistent.
>In fact I use the opposite!  I usually move the *music* to Layer 4 (which I
>have set up to never adjust for notes in other layers) and put the chords in
>Layer 1, then apply blank notation.

I'm starting to come over to your way of thinking - if I change ALL 
the regular notation to Layer 4, then I don't have to do it more than 
once. Then I can put in bars and bars of quarter rests in Layer 1 by 
holding down the 5 key, convert it to blank notation in one fell 
swoop, and type my chords in merrily without worrying about switching 
layers. Neat.

>  > But it is an enormous pain when
>>  entering chords to have to switch layers for ONE measure, then switch
>>  back, only to have to do it again a measure later...
>Exactly.  Chords frequently need to be manually adjusted, especially when
>spacing is tight (and when you have 4 chords in a measure that otherwise
>only has a whole note in it, spacing will be tight).

Hmm. For similarly tight passages I re-set music spacing to avoid 
collisions with chords, then respace only that measure. Man, I would 
like to have this option readily available, rather than buried inside 
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