I don't believe it is up to the list owner.
And since we are discussing full-list and private replies, wouldn't Darcy's message have been better directed at Henry Howey specifically, since nobody else on the list can do anything about it, even enquire as to the feasability of switching things?
Personally, I don't care -- I don't view e-mail as a private medium and I don't mind when private replies go to the list.
I'm just thankful that Henry is still able to convince SHSU to host this list! And I hope that people pestering him about something over which he has no control doesn't convince him it just isn't worth the bother. After all, he is one of the LEAST frequent posters on the list!
Phil Daley wrote:
At 12/01/2002 08:14 PM, Darcy James Argue wrote:
>Okay, this exchange is a perfect illustration of the problem with the
>current mailing list reply-to settings.
>This is a mess.
>Again, since I'm told it's is a piece of cake to change the default
>"reply-to" behavior, can our esteemed list owner PLEASE consider at least
>allowing us to vote on whether the change should be made.
As I recall, and my memory isn't as good as it used to be, the last time this subject came up, a short while after the list switchover, Henry asked the University IT man in charge of lists, if it could be switched, and the answer was, no.
Phil Daley < AutoDesk >
Finale mailing list
-- David H. Bailey [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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