Entering them first and turning them into grace notes later is NOT "automatic" in my book -- it's just a different workaround.

How is it any quicker than entering them as grace notes and while the cursor is on the second grace note hitting the / key to beam them?

Automatic would imply that simply entering two grace notes they would "automatically" be beamed with no further effort necessary.

Darcy James Argue wrote:
On Thursday, December 5, 2002, at 06:15  AM, David H. Bailey wrote:

There is no way to do it automatically.

Not true! Michael Withers already posted the correct method, but in the face of disinformation this is worth repeating -- if you want your grace notes beamed together, first enter all the notes, then convert them to grace notes *starting with the note closest to the "real" (non-grace) note and working backwards.* If you follow this method, the grace notes will be beamed together automatically, without having to go through any extra steps.

- Darcy

Boston MA

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David H. Bailey

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