I'm not quibbling over one way being easier, the key strokes to achieve the desired result remain the same either way. That was my only reason in my response to your post -- you seemed to imply that your method was easier.

I admit I was not clear when I wrote "entering them as grace notes" -- by that I meant entering as a note and immediately converting.

Darcy James Argue wrote:
On Thursday, December 5, 2002, at 05:18  PM, David H. Bailey wrote:

Entering them first and turning them into grace notes later is NOT "automatic" in my book -- it's just a different workaround.

How is it any quicker than entering them as grace notes and while the cursor is on the second grace note hitting the / key to beam them?

As far as I know it's not possible to enter notes "as grace notes" in Speedy Entry (i.e., specifying "the next note I enter will be a grace note"). You yourself said your method involves converting to grace notes after entry.

Automatic would imply that simply entering two grace notes they would "automatically" be beamed with no further effort necessary.

Well, yes -- if you convert them left-to-right, they are not beamed, but if you convert them right-to-left they are beamed, automatically, with no further effort. Since you have to convert them regardless, it seems to me converting them right-to-left is just as easy as the alternative.

- Darcy

Boston MA

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David H. Bailey

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