On 7 Jun 2003 at 8:40, Craig Parmerlee wrote:

> This type of thing is everywhere in the software world, not just in the 
> storage of "object oriented" objects.  The best example is HTML.  From the 
> very beginning of Mosaic, the browser was designed to parse and discard 
> tags it couldn't recognize, then carry one with the set of tags it did 
> recognize.  As HTML evolved, they included mechanisms for authors to 
> include different sets of HTML with that in mind.  E.G. the NOFRAMES 
> section that can allow one HTML file to work whether the browser supported 
> frames or not.

And the Finale file structure was not designed that way, so what 
you're proposing is an entirely *new* file structure.

Frying pan, meet fire.

David W. Fenton                        http://www.bway.net/~dfenton
David Fenton Associates                http://www.bway.net/~dfassoc

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