I am in a similar situation, Noel. I am most definately going to look into
this Finale Script feature as soon as I have the time, but current projects
do not allow this. I think Johannes is in a similar situation, as he wrote a
similar post to this list a while ago, too. I do not feel, though, that a
new list is necessary. We could simply add FS: to the subject and it would
be just as easy for anyone to filter it out of their mail as presently with
the other headers: OT:, TAN:, etc.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Noel Stoutenburg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, November 07, 2003 4:51 AM
Subject: [Finale] Finalescript

> Listsibs:
> Though I have had WINFIN 2k4 since it was first released, pre-occupation
> with other projects prevented me form doing more than installing it and
> giving it a cursory review.  Well, I've reached a point with those other
> projects where I had the time to look at the 2k4, with the idea of
> starting a couple of other projects on my "to-do list", which I was
> thinking of using the new Finalescript features to accomplish.  Having
> spent some time looking at this, I have a couple pertinent questions:
> 1)  Has anyone else begun using these capabilities?
> 2)  Would there be any value to asking for (or starting) a special
> "Finale Script" forum ?
> ns
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