Out of curiosity about this whole Sibelius/Finale debate, I have taken the liberty of posting on the Sibelius list a request for them to submit reasons (urging them NOT to snipe and reassuring them I am not attempting to start a flame-war finale/sibelius discussion) that a new user should prefer Sibelius over Finale.

So I am making the same request on this list for reasons a new user should prefer Finale over Sibelius.

Of course, this should be answered by people who have actually used either, unless you prefer one over the other by way of their anti-piracy technique (both programs currently use the call/response software registration to validate installations, both program currently allow installation on two computers simultaneously without violating the licensing agreement) or price or availability or appearance using the installation defaults right out of the box.

Please don't post if your only experience with either is a version that is more than 2 years old -- Sibelius should compare version 2 or later and Finale should compare Finale 2002 or later.

Please don't just snipe at the other program.

I plan on compiling the lists and then posting them on the other list to get valid workarounds or if the complaint is invalid, reasons why the complainer didn't understand something and so got erroneous results.

This is meant to be a fair-minded comparison between the two programs, if you don't want to participate in an open-minded way, then feel free not to reply.

David H. Bailey

-- David H. Bailey [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Finale mailing list

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