Aaron Sherber writes:

> I have a hard time believing that this is a bug that 
> came up late in the beta cycle. If I had to guess, I'd say it come up 
> fairly early, but they realized they couldn't fix it and still ship on 
> time. 

OK, I'll going to give you that hard time...
Look at:

Compare the examples on that page with what you get in the same 
situations in the release version and you'll see that the bug appeared 
AFTER the build the marketing people were using.

I personally find all the speculating in this and a couple of other 
threads a bit useless, since it doesn't raise the interesting questions. 
Here's a question that I haven't seen mentioned/answered:
What was the answer from customer support when you told them
"I tested the Fin2005 demo, and the Enhanced Tuplet feature does 
not work as advertised (for example compared to your web page), 
which has also been confirmed by tech support. I assume that you 
fix this soon in a maintenance release. Since the tuplet 
enhancements are my single reason for upgrading, will you still give 
me the early-bird discount when I have been confirmed that the 
maintenance release works as expected?"
What was their answer?

Best regards,

Jari Williamsson

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