I snipped and rearranged from what David wrote to first answer:\

The tech-support reply that Aaron received, however, indicates that they knew about the bug. The reply didn't contain any "Oh my goodness, we've never seen that before -- we'll start working on it right now to fix it in the patch." Instead it was more along the lines of we'll try to fix it by the time the patch will be released. Why not hold up the patch until the damn bug is fixed?

Well, since we do not know where on the organizational chart the tech support rep is sitting, we don't really know how to evaluate how much he knows. Since I don't know that he's high enough up the organizational chart to sit on the design committee, I'm going to assume

1) that the author of the email that Aaron received is not high enough on the organizational chart to make any promises about what priorities are assigned to what issues, and would be overstepping the limits of his duties to make any promises about whether or a particular bug can be fixed, or when it will be;

2) that fixing the issue is more complex than it seems to the end user, because it involves redesign at a fairly low level in the software, and at the moment, in the press of getting the software product shipped, that the design committee is on temporary hiatus, but will take this issue up at their next meeting;

3) that there is some chance that some of the software involved in the this issue is product purchased from an outside vendor, and that if this purchased product is any part of the problem, that MakeMusic has no direct control over when the problem might be resolved;

4) a request for further information on this issue in a week or two will result in more detailed information.

As to David's comment,

I find it hard to believe that NOBODY in the entire process, from developpers to alpha-testers to beta-testers never ever tried to move a note using enhanced tuplets or to begin a tuplet with a rest.

Neither scenario, they knew about the enhanced tuplet bug and shipped anyway or none of their testing actually edited the enhanced tuplets, is a pleasant one.

I don't find it hard to believe that nobody discovered this problem, for a variety of reasons. I can think of any number of reasons why the bug might not have been discovered, one of which is that this is an issue which arose as an unintended collateral consequence of resolving a problem in a related subsystem, during one of the last builds before deciding to release the product to the market. There may have been no way given available resources to resolve this issue and solve the earlier (and more serious) issue . Or the problem may be in code Finale has licensed, but which they have no direct control over to allow the bug to be fixed.

Further, thinking back on my own experiences, there have meen more times than I want to admit to when some problem occurred, and looking back, I cannot come up with a single good reason for not seeing the problem developing. I'm in no position to do anything but accept that there might be such issues for other people, and this might be one of those..

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