[EMAIL PROTECTED] / 05.1.23 / 05:32 PM wrote:

>FreeBSD....Panther is using FreeBSD 5.

Ha-ha.  Didn't know that :-)
It's kinda confusing since pre Jag had all the BSD man docs.  I actually
never installed FreeBSD I bought so I even don't know if BSD and FreeBSD
shares man docs.

>Hiro, I'd love to hear more from you too about how Finale is using 
>memory...and this whole topic.  You seem to know much about this too 
>specific to OS X.  Are there any weaknesses you see that I was asking 
>David about?  Since none of us can come up with a specific user 
>action that causes the bug...at least not yet...

To my limited knowledge, as David pointed out, stressed memory cannot
corrupt anything.  The pref issue is something different.  There are two
types of pref architecture, one that keeps open, and the other opens only
when the app tries to log pref change.  I think Finale is latter, and it
seems pref change is cached until program exit.  Something goes sour,
pref r/w won't get executed.

OSX's protected memory is very good.  I think our finger should point to
how Finale caches into its legacy temp file architecture.  But I am not a
real programmer, just a wannabe :-)
(OK, my education was only java programming at Harvard, which sounds
impressive, but not a big deal at all, really.  Now you know I am not
that real!).


- Hiro

Hiroaki Honshuku, A-NO-NE Music, Boston, MA
<http://a-no-ne.com> <http://anonemusic.com>

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